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The Bullshit Web
The Bullshit Web
My home computer in 1998 had a 56K modem connected to our telephone line; we were allowed a maximum of thirty minutes of computer usage a day, because my parents — quite reasonably — did not want to have their telephone shut off for an evening at a time. I remember webpages loading slowly: ten […]
The Bullshit Web
The cost of cloud
The cost of cloud
Putting your IT infrastructure into the cloud seems to be the "in" thing. It's been around for a while, of course. And, like most things rel...
The cost of cloud
The computer built to last 50 years
The computer built to last 50 years
The computer built to last 50 years écrit par Ploum, Lionel Dricot, ingénieur, écrivain de science-fiction, développeur de logiciels libres.
The computer built to last 50 years
Resources Planet | All In One Useful Websites On The Internet ⭐
Resources Planet | All In One Useful Websites On The Internet ⭐
Resources Planet | All In One Useful Websites On The Internet 🤷‍♂️ Here is a list of massive websites that you may find useful in every way of internet use! Content of table: Alternative search engines Miscellaneous Interesting sites Useful sites Science / math sites Tech sites Privacy / Security related sites Learning sites Image (editors, generators etc.) sites Aesthetic / cool sites Book sites Humour / fun / Random sites Audio / music / sound sites Coomer stuff Image boa...
Resources Planet | All In One Useful Websites On The Internet ⭐
Static site hosting hurdles
Static site hosting hurdles
When it comes to static sites, there are a myriad of solutions for authoring and compiling, but talk about hosting these static sites, and we are still in the early 2000s. I discuss the challenges one faces when hosting, and even make a proposal to solve some of these.
Static site hosting hurdles
A server that redirects you to a random page.
· Roy Tang
· Roy Tang
Roy Tang's blog. Programmer, engineer, scientist, critic, gamer, dreamer, and kid-at-heart. Randomly amazed.
· Roy Tang
Personal and independent website of Marko Saric
Personal and independent website of Marko Saric
I’m on a mission to help you share what you love, get discovered by people who love the same things too and make the web a better place at the same time.
Personal and independent website of Marko Saric
Only Use Old Computers! | Luke's Webpage
Only Use Old Computers! | Luke's Webpage
The ideal ThiccPad If there is a single point of advice I can offer novice computer users, it is stop using modern computers. If you look at "technology YouTube," by which I mean the massive multi-million subscriber channels, nearly all of it is devoted to constantly reviewing and comparing every new computer, processor, graphics card and product. There's big money in it because obviously all of these companies put money in it, but also if you're a normal person, you automatically assume you need the "best" technology.
Only Use Old Computers! | Luke's Webpage
Blog | Kev Quirk
Blog | Kev Quirk
Welcome to Kev Quirk's little corner of the internet. Here you can find out lots of information about me, how to contact me and, of course, my blog.
Blog | Kev Quirk