Contact Information for the Cheapskate's Guide to Computers and the Internet
This is the contact information for The Cheapskate's Guide to Computers and the internet.
Recovering Our Lost Free Will Online: Tools and Techniques That Are Available Now
Home - Cameron Lee Cowan, Writer, Thinker, Human Being - The Cameron Journal
The Cameron Journal is the home of writer, thinker, and human being Cameron Cowan. The Cameron Journal is a place for politics, commentary, Best Advice and observations from the world around us.
Brain Baking
Brain Baking | Freshly Baked Thoughts
Mataroa Collection
Ye Olde Blogroll -
You are viewing a humanly curated list of fine personal & independent blogs that are updated regularly. No algorithms ever!
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Who Controls the Internet? And should they? - Bert Hubert's writings
This is a lightly edited transcript of my keynote over at NANOG 83, so please accept my apologies if some of the wording is not (yet) as clear as it should be! The original video, including Q&A can be found on NANOG’s Youtube channel Hello, and welcome to this presentation on who controls the internet, and if they actually should. As you can see, I cover all grounds here. All kinds of flags are in this presentation and all kinds of companies. - Benjamin Blundell
Benjamin Blundell, I make things with computers
/g/'s Based Sites
Approved websites by and for users of 4chan's /g/ board.
Neocities Links
The Web We Have to Save — Matter — Medium
archived 15 Jul 2015 04:21:35 UTC
Old-school blogging, retro computers, and decentralisation • website
The hard part of blogging is not writing, it is sharing your post • website
Alternative Information Directory
A website directory for smart people
It’s Time to Get Personal
Laura Kalbag discusses the gift of personal data we give to Big Tech when we share information on its platforms, and how reviving ye olde personal website can be one way to stay in control of the content we share and the data we leak. Christmas is a time for giving, but know what you’re giving to whom.
The Eternal Mainframe
The urge to replace the mainframe has reinvented the mainframe and its problems.
285 Free Documentaries Online
Watch over 200 free documentaries online. The documentaries cover everything from music and cinema, to literature, religion, politics and physics. They're thought-provoking, eye-opening, and enlightening. For more great films, please visit our complete collection, .
The World-Wide-Web Fidonet Resource - History
Biggest and best Fidonet resource on the net! - History of Fidonet
Radio broadcasts leave Earth at the speed of light. Scroll away from Earth and hear how far the biggest hits of the past have travelled. The farther away you get, the longer the waves take to travel there—and the older the music you’ll hear.
Accessing the Internet by E-mail FAQ
Kids can't use computers... and this is why it should worry you — Coding 2 Learn