Additional Settings.png
Add or Remove Windows Components.png
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Add New Hardware.png
Add Network Place.png
Accessibility Wizard.png
Zip folder.png
ZIP Drive.png
XPSP3RES Unknown 2.png
XPSP3RES Unknown 1.png
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Write Files to Disc.png
iPhone 15 Pro (US/A2848) 128, 256, 512 GB; 1 TB Specs (A2848*, MTQP3LL/A*, 8435*, iPhone16,1):
Specs and features for the iPhone 15 Pro (US/A2848) 128, 256, 512 GB; 1 TB (A2848*). Dates sold, capacity, battery life, networks, size, price and more.
iPhone 4S (4s*) 8, 16, 32, 64 GB Specs (A1387, MC918LL/A*, 2430, iPhone4,1):
Specs and features for the iPhone 4S (4s*) 8, 16, 32, 64 GB (A1387). Dates sold, capacity, battery life, networks, size, price and more.
The Java Community Process(SM) Program - JSRs: Java Specification Requests - detail JSR# 310
Customizing Formats (The Java™ Tutorials Internationalization Formatting)
This internationalization Java tutorial describes setting locale, isolating locale-specific data, formatting data, internationalized domain name and resource identifier
Date and Time Formats
ISO - ISO 8601 — Date and time format
ISO 8601 is the internationally accepted way to represent dates and times.
Date Format in the United States | ISO
IBM Documentation
The Date Formats global option changes the default date format for all maps or forms. However, the format of the existing date fields do not change; the default is only used for new maps or forms.
iPhone 5, iPhone 4S - A Rumor Roundup and Retrospective
According to new shots showing alleged leaked parts for the upcoming iPhone 5, website (via MacRumors) shows a white back cover from an Apple internal prototype iPhone dated June 7, 2011, labeled N94 and EVT (Engineering Verification Test). In Apple’s prototype design cycle, the EVT monicker is one step ahead of DVT, which stands
"iPhone 4S" Name Shown On OtterBox Case Packaging
According to a series of tweets posted earlier today by @chronic on the @chronicwire Twitter account, accessory maker OtterBox has built over 3 million cases for a rumored upcoming “iPhone 4S” device. As seen in the photos posted online, the packaging of one of such cases depicts the “iPhone 4S” name, as well as what