Samy (computer worm) - Wikipedia
64/cmake-raytracer: Ray tracer written in pure CMake
Ray tracer written in pure CMake. Contribute to 64/cmake-raytracer development by creating an account on GitHub.
Fractional bits
Why does HTML think “chucknorris” is a color?
Why do certain random strings produce colors when entered as background colors in HTML?
For example, bgcolor="chucknorris" produces a red background:
x86 instruction listings - Wikipedia
alloca(3) - Linux manual page
JSFuck - Write any JavaScript with 6 Characters: []()!+
JSFuck is an esoteric and educational programming style based on the atomic parts of JavaScript. It uses only six different characters to execute code.
Perl Cannot Be Parsed: A Formal Proof
The International SAT Solver Competitions
The International SAT Solver Competition is today an established series of competitive events aiming at objectively evaluating the progress in state-of-the-art procedures for solving Boolean satisfiability (SAT) instances. Over the years, the competitions have significantly contributed to the fast progress in SAT solver technology that has made SAT a practical success story of computer science. This short article provides an overview of the SAT solver competitions.
Basilisk collection - Wikipedia
setjmp.h - Wikipedia
Redefining the number 2 in Python
In Python it's possible to redefine some builtin values that shouldn't really be changed. For example True and False can be changed in Python versions 2.7 and lower. This is fixed in Python 3 and assignment to True or False raises: "SyntaxError: assigment to keyword" but it works on …
The Birth & Death of JavaScript
⚓ T273741 Investigate unusual media traffic pattern for AsterNovi-belgii-flower-1mb.jpg on Commons
HTTP referer - Wikipedia
The Norway Problem - why StrictYAML refuses to do implicit typing and so should you - HitchDev
Killer poke - Wikipedia
Reverse indentation
I've heard that your code can run faster if you indent it in reverse, so that the compiler can process it like a tree design pattern from the very top of the "branches" down. This helps because gra...
The Strange Story of Dual_EC_DRBG
SKS Keyserver Network Under Attack
SKS Keyserver Network Under Attack · GitHub
Billion laughs attack - Wikipedia
Allowing cross-origin use of images and canvas - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN
HTML provides a crossorigin attribute for images that, in combination with an appropriate CORS header, allows images defined by the element that are loaded from foreign origins to be used in a as if they had been loaded from the current origin.
Return-to-libc attack - Wikipedia
The ‘Story of Mel’ Explained
What it took to be an elite programmer in the early days of computing
MySQL Raytracer
wild for Wild, 1st at Deadline (Berlin) 2019
Setun - Wikipedia
An uroboros program with 100+ programming languages
The Problem with the FizzBuzz Problem — Gayle Laakmann McDowell
FizzBuzz is not the basic, sanity-check interview question that many presume it to be. Use it and you might just end up filtering out some of your good candidates who, unfortunately, suffer from the Smart Person's Mirage.