Software History

Software History

I Survived Bedlam3 - Rodney M Bliss
I Survived Bedlam3 - Rodney M Bliss
(Photo Credit: baxiabhishek via Is anyone else having a slow email problem? Seriously, Rodney? You’re kidding right? No. I sent Bill an email 45 minutes ago and it’s still not there. What’s the deal? Last week I talked about the Message Recall feature as the Ultimate Save Your Job Feature, And Why It Took […]
I Survived Bedlam3 - Rodney M Bliss
My Hardest Bug Ever
My Hardest Bug Ever
This is the story of the hardest thing I've ever debugged, from Crash Bandicoot 1.
My Hardest Bug Ever
Moving online webserver using public transport
Moving online webserver using public transport
Five guys moving a server to a new datacenter without shutting it down. Without cutting it off from the internet. And as using a car would have been too eas...
Moving online webserver using public transport on Twitter on Twitter
Pre ANSI C was wild!8 and 9 were valid octal digits, they had the octal values 10 and 11 Found this in the C99 rationale: C reference manual: we had a live version to try#cprogramming #programming #PreANSICWasWild— (@shafikyaghmour) May 3, 2018 on Twitter
Keeping the Pirates at Bay
Keeping the Pirates at Bay
Beyond giving developers a feeling of violation over having their hard work pillaged and disturbed illegally, piracy exacts a steep toll on the entire game indu
Keeping the Pirates at Bay