500 miles
Software History
Intel Management Engine - Wikipedia
Can TrueType Fonts contain malicious code?
I was looking around for information on this and couldn't really find anything that solid. I used the TTX tool in the fonttools library to decompile the font into XML format but couldn't garner any...
Turing machine - Wikipedia
Ping of death - Wikipedia
Sony BMG copy protection rootkit scandal - Wikipedia
Loop unrolling - Wikipedia
Falsehoods programmers believe about time, in a single list
Falsehoods programmers believe about time, in a single list · GitHub
Hardware backdoor - Wikipedia
Leading zero - Wikipedia
Frustration with Excel has caused geneticists to rename some genes
Why spreadsheets have resulted in some genes getting new names, plus poisons mistakenly taken from Zelda in Feedback’s weird weekly round-up
Why did the command ":(){ :|: & };:" make my system lag so badly I had to reboot?
Do not run this command to 'test' it unless you are prepared for a crash and/or force-rebooting your system.
I was in my Virtualbox running 12.04 trying to compile an app, and while waitin...
Surprisingly Turing-Complete
A catalogue of software constructs, languages, or APIs which are unexpectedly Turing-complete; implications for security and reliability.
Brendan Eich on Creating JavaScript in 10 Days, and What He'd Do Differently Today
Millions of developers use a programming language today that was created in just 10 days during the hustle and bustle
"What's the typeof null?", and other confusing JavaScript Types | bitsofcode
Articles on frontend development and more.
Sorting algorithms/Sleep sort
In general, sleep sort works by starting a separate task for each item to be sorted, where each task sleeps for an interval corresponding to the item's sort key...
Bogosort - Wikipedia
Exploiting the DRAM rowhammer bug to gain kernel privileges
Rowhammer blog post (draft) Posted by Mark Seaborn, sandbox builder and breaker, with contributions by Thomas Dullien, reverse en...
Side-channel attack - Wikipedia
History of the user-agent string - Human Who Codes
The Official Web Site of Nicholas C. Zakas
What is a tarbomb? -- definition by The Linux Information Project (LINFO)
Parsing XML with Regular Expressions | flapenguin.me
Someone told me that I can't parse XML with regexes, and I just had to prove them wrong.
Heisenbug - Wikipedia
Web beacon - Wikipedia
Poopy swift code example
Hungarian notation - Wikipedia
Undefined behavior - Wikipedia
Self-modifying code - Wikipedia
A Catalogue of All the Devices That Can Somehow Run 'Doom'
Toasters, pianos and trucks all pitching in to keep the 1993 game alive.