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Jason Scott (@textfiles)
Jason Scott (@textfiles)
The latest Tweets from Jason Scott (@textfiles). Proprietor of https://t.co/sdyjXHCZF7, historian, filmmaker, archivist, storyteller. Works on/for the Internet Archive. Rank Amateur. The 1980s
Jason Scott (@textfiles)
“As a matter of professional courtesy, please address all direct death threats to me at jason@textfiles.com instead of making my very busy and excellent co-workers concerned. Thanks.”
“"I'll be at home" implies you are hiring a truck-based assassin and I think we all know the top suspect in that case. https://t.co/7snIzFMzym”
How Humble BBS Begat Wired World
How Humble BBS Begat Wired World
Clunky and slow, the bulletin board system ultimately proved irresistible. Jason Scott's new three-DVD set, BBS: The Documentary, tracks the birth of an online subculture. By Kim Zetter.
How Humble BBS Begat Wired World
Free-Range Archivist at the Internet Archive. Founder/Runner of TEXTFILES.COM, co-founder of Archive Team. Digitizing the world.
Jason Scott on Twitter
Jason Scott on Twitter
I am sorting some very special data and videotapes live on stream. Also answering questions if people have them. https://t.co/FRpZ4W0MW7
Jason Scott on Twitter
Jason Scott on Twitter
Jason Scott on Twitter
As a matter of professional courtesy, please address all direct death threats to me at jason@textfiles.com instead of making my very busy and excellent co-workers concerned.Thanks. pic.twitter.com/iTSjsYp7Tx— Jason Scott (@textfiles) October 15, 2021
Jason Scott on Twitter
Jason Scott on Twitter
Jason Scott on Twitter
Update, I am spending today in New York City so even if this guy hires his truck assassin, that hired hand will never get up enough speed to hit me https://t.co/wXxEJuQN0f
Jason Scott on Twitter
Jason Scott on Twitter
Jason Scott on Twitter
"I'll be at home" implies you are hiring a truck-based assassin and I think we all know the top suspect in that case. https://t.co/7snIzFMzym https://t.co/xSWwX05k07
Jason Scott on Twitter
textfiles | Fri Oct 15 00:21:09 +0000 2021
textfiles | Fri Oct 15 00:21:09 +0000 2021
"I'll be at home" implies you are hiring a truck-based assassin and I think we all know the top suspect in that case. https://t.co/7snIzFMzym https://t.co/xSWwX05k07
textfiles | Fri Oct 15 00:21:09 +0000 2021
Free-Range Archivist at the Internet Archive. Founder/Runner of TEXTFILES.COM, co-founder of Archive Team. Digitizing the world.