The latest Tweets from The Baffler (@thebafflermag). Political and cultural criticism, satire, and salvos. Since 1988. Online and in print. New York, NY
The latest Tweets from Jessica Huseman (@JessicaHuseman). Editorial director, @VotebeatUS. @AmericanU adjunct. Texan. Helping newsrooms investigate the powerful at Breaking: Every jello mold. Texas
The latest Tweets from maran (@marannelson). One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple. Forever @joininteract previously @claralabs. east village
The latest Tweets from Joshua Wolf Shenk (@joshuawolfshenk). director @blackmtninst + editor-in-chief @believermag; essayist @theatlantic, @harpers, @vqr, etc., and some books. Liminal Space
The latest Tweets from Jessica Downey (@redheadblueheel). Ginger, Technophile, Locavore, Cyberpsychologist. I cry at Subaru commercials and have strong opinions about BBQ. San Francisco, CA
The latest Tweets from sarah jeong (@sarahjeong). lawyer by training, journalist by vocation. @nytimes @verge @motherboard and elsewhere. not actually a Pokemon. Portland, OR
The latest Tweets from Emil Protalinski (@EPro). Editor @FiToSci @Techmeme
formerly Executive Editor @VentureBeat
other bylines @GeekWire @TheNextWeb @ZDNet @CNET @TechSpot @ArsTechnica. Internet
The latest Tweets from regina dellea (@woahitsregina). co-host/producer @underunderstood // vp edit operations @therecount // formerly @368 @genius @mic @voxmedia // co-founder getaway. new york city
The latest Tweets from In These Times (@inthesetimesmag). A publication committed to informing and advancing movements for social, economic, racial and environmental justice. Founded in 1976. Chicago, IL
The latest Tweets from Jess Joho (she/her) (@jessjoho). Writer & critic @Mashable (culture, sex, tech, dating, games, pods, tv, film) all about intimacy in the digital age 🇧🇷🇨🇭🇺🇸 🏳️🌈 Opinions are my bad. City of Demons, CA
The latest Tweets from G L A D K I L L (@Gladkill). Bass/Wave/Post-Dubstep
The latest Tweets from Texas Tribune (@TexasTribune). A member-supported, nonprofit and nonpartisan newsroom informing & engaging Texans on state politics & policy. Subscribe: Austin, Texas
The latest Tweets from Amanda Chicago Lewis (@msamandalewis). journalist. i know a lot about weed and about sex tapes. words all over, including @WIRED @verge @RollingStone @CalSunday (RIP) @GQMagazine. Los Angeles
The latest Tweets from Soraya Chemaly (@schemaly). Writer/Talker/Journo. Gender absurdities & reluctant online hate/harassment expert. She/her. Opinions personal, so political. Author, Rage Becomes Her and more. #RageBecomesHer
The latest Tweets from Courtney Love Cobain (@Courtney). Mickey Mouse club reject, former stripper at jumbos clown room, from Point Dume 83 onward. I know a lot of things. Hollywood - New York - London
The latest Tweets from Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery). Editor-in-Chief of Mother Jones. Mom. Upzoning, street tree, and rescue dog enthusiast. ÜT: 37.770364,-122.410351
The latest Tweets from Cecilia D'Anastasio (@cecianasta). award-winning reporter @WIRED covering games
tips:, discord: Cecianasta#9946. DM for Signal. Brooklyn, NY
Roen? Roan? Roaen? something like that (@briaugust)
The latest Tweets from Roen? Roan? Roaen? something like that (@briaugust). thanks, i've had it since i was in high school 🔸@ryanfobia's sigfig 🔸they/them 🔸insta @ ibriaugust 🔸art shit @artistaugust. Houston, TX
The latest Tweets from Amanda Hale (@hale_a). Head of Revenue at @atlasobscura. Formerly BDG (Bustle, Gawker, W mag, NYLON, Mic), founding team @ The Outline. Earlier, political news at TPM, The Nation. New York City
The latest Tweets from Alanis King (@alanisnking). The cat lady who writes about cars. Editor @businessinsider, formerly @jalopnik. Coauthor of Rich Energy: The Book, coming 2022. (she/her). Olive Garden, Times Square
The latest Tweets from Typographica (@typographica). A review of fonts & typography. Since 2002. Tweets by editor Stephen Coles ( Testimonial: “That is good information.” @AndrejKratky. Oakland, CA, USA (Ohlone land)
The latest Tweets from Parimal Satyal / Félix (@parimalsatyal). Berlin-based designer and occasional writer. Communication, languages, aviation, information systems, European Union. Host of @thegroundeffect podcast. Paris
The latest Tweets from Renato Cerqueira @ (@renatolond). O/ele/o - he/him - il/lui
From Rio de Janeiro🇧🇷, living in Brussels🇧🇪 ~
AKA Lond ~
Admin of @mastodontecombr and dev of @masto_poster. Brussels, Belgium
The latest Tweets from Bonnie Tsui (@bonnietsui). Writer @nytimes & more. Author #WhyWeSwim (paperback April 2021, @AlgonquinBooks); SARAH & THE BIG WAVE (May 2021); AMERICAN CHINATOWN. Underwater + @sfgrotto. Berkeley, CA