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Tom Warren (@tomwarren)
Tom Warren (@tomwarren)
The latest Tweets from Tom Warren (@tomwarren). Senior Editor at The Verge @verge ║ I cover all things PC, console, and Microsoft ║ 📩 ║ 📱 Signal: +442081230413. London, UK
Tom Warren (@tomwarren)
Brad Frost (@brad_frost)
Brad Frost (@brad_frost)
The latest Tweets from Brad Frost (@brad_frost). I am a web designer, speaker, writer, consultant, and musician in beautiful Pittsburgh, PA. Author of Atomic Design. Pittsburgh, PA
Brad Frost (@brad_frost)
Janko Roettgers (@jank0)
Janko Roettgers (@jank0)
The latest Tweets from Janko Roettgers (@jank0). Reporter @protocol author of Next Up, a newsletter about the future of tech and entertainment. Previously: Variety, Gigaom he/him DMs are open, ask for Signal. Bay Area
Janko Roettgers (@jank0)
Mark Athitakis (@mathitak)
Mark Athitakis (@mathitak)
The latest Tweets from Mark Athitakis (@mathitak). Writer, mostly about books. Bylines in @washingtonpost, @latimes, @kirkusreviews, etc. Phoenix
Mark Athitakis (@mathitak)
David Pierce (@pierce)
David Pierce (@pierce)
The latest Tweets from David Pierce (@pierce). Editorial director, @protocol. Fighter of the Nightman. and DMs open. Washington, DC
David Pierce (@pierce)
Joshua Topolsky (@joshuatopolsky)
Joshua Topolsky (@joshuatopolsky)
The latest Tweets from Joshua Topolsky (@joshuatopolsky). A man in trouble. Founded @outline. Co-founded @verge. Made @bloomberg look cool. Used to make trance. Now: @gawker @mic @inputmag @inversedotcom. New York, USA
Joshua Topolsky (@joshuatopolsky)
Jim Fingal (@jimfingal)
Jim Fingal (@jimfingal)
The latest Tweets from Jim Fingal (@jimfingal). Cofounder @logic_magazine, fact-checker of the @lifespanofafact, CTO @aminohealth. half of @_hartsick's coffee is mine by law. he/him. San Francisco, CA
Jim Fingal (@jimfingal)
Ross Martin (@RossMartin1)
Ross Martin (@RossMartin1)
The latest Tweets from Ross Martin (@RossMartin1). President of Known (@knownis); Executive Producer (“Jeen-Yuhs” & “Countdown” @Netflix); former Blackbird CEO; Founder of Lunch Partners VC (@lunchpartners). Brooklyn, NY
Ross Martin (@RossMartin1)
Andy Matuschak (@andy_matuschak)
Andy Matuschak (@andy_matuschak)
The latest Tweets from Andy Matuschak (@andy_matuschak). Interested in ideas around enabling more wonder, more insight, more capacity, more joy. Currently exploring tools that augment human memory and attention. San Francisco, CA
Andy Matuschak (@andy_matuschak)
Jenna Wortham (@jennydeluxe)
Jenna Wortham (@jennydeluxe)
The latest Tweets from Jenna Wortham (@jennydeluxe). :officially on sabbatical: @NYTmag & ‘Still Processing’ & “Black Futures” with @museummammy. "Work of Body" with @penguinpress ⦇|| ⬘ ||⦈. Brooklyn
Jenna Wortham (@jennydeluxe)
Marie C. Baca (@mariecbaca)
Marie C. Baca (@mariecbaca)
The latest Tweets from Marie C. Baca (@mariecbaca). Co-writing a book about historical parenting advice. #NM superfan, @NAHJ, she/her. Formers: @washingtonpost, @ABQJournal & others
Marie C. Baca (@mariecbaca)
Maya Prohovnik (@mayafish)
Maya Prohovnik (@mayafish)
The latest Tweets from Maya Prohovnik (@mayafish). Product person, new mom, constant reader. I make stuff for podcasters at @spotify and in my spare time I… make podcasts. Catskills, NY
Maya Prohovnik (@mayafish)
Ben Smith (@benyt)
Ben Smith (@benyt)
The latest Tweets from Ben Smith (@benyt). @nytimes media columnist. Fireworks enthusiast. Formerly @buzzfeednews. Beats working for a living. Send me scoops: Brooklyn, NY
Ben Smith (@benyt)
Jessica Lessin (@Jessicalessin)
Jessica Lessin (@Jessicalessin)
The latest Tweets from Jessica Lessin (@Jessicalessin). I am the founder and CEO of The Information. San Francisco
Jessica Lessin (@Jessicalessin)
Gawker (@Gawker)
Gawker (@Gawker)
The latest Tweets from Gawker (@Gawker). Today's news is yesterday's gossip |
Gawker (@Gawker)
Jake Kastrenakes (@jake_k)
Jake Kastrenakes (@jake_k)
The latest Tweets from Jake Kastrenakes (@jake_k). @verge creators editor, the ending to lost was good. he/him. contact me: Brooklyn, NY
Jake Kastrenakes (@jake_k)
Brooke Hammerling (@brooke)
Brooke Hammerling (@brooke)
The latest Tweets from Brooke Hammerling (@brooke). I work with innovative founders of innovative companies. Founder of The New New Thing and writer of LA for now. ÜT: 40.724713,-73.997416
Brooke Hammerling (@brooke)
Joanna Stern (@JoannaStern)
Joanna Stern (@JoannaStern)
The latest Tweets from Joanna Stern (@JoannaStern). I've got a one tech mind. @WSJ Senior Personal Technology Columnist, @WSJ Executive Editor of Video, @CNBC contributor. New York
Joanna Stern (@JoannaStern)
Emily Steel (@emilysteel)
Emily Steel (@emilysteel)
The latest Tweets from Emily Steel (@emilysteel). New York Times business investigations reporter. Mama to a tiny tot. Have a tip? DM me for my number OR email me at New York, NY
Emily Steel (@emilysteel)
MIKΞ⊕ΞLGAN (@MikeElgan)
MIKΞ⊕ΞLGAN (@MikeElgan)
The latest Tweets from MIKΞ⊕ΞLGAN (@MikeElgan). The world's only lovable tech journalist. #tech #journalist #columnist #author #digitalnomad #food #travel #technology #siliconvalley #gastronomad #BreakingNews. Silicon Valley
MIKΞ⊕ΞLGAN (@MikeElgan)
rachel syme (@rachsyme)
rachel syme (@rachsyme)
The latest Tweets from rachel syme (@rachsyme). woman about town. staff writer @newyorker. also: writing a book called magpie for @aaknopf + a coffee table book about letters for @penguinrandom. Desert Flower in the Big Apple
rachel syme (@rachsyme)
Tony Haile (@arctictony)
Tony Haile (@arctictony)
The latest Tweets from Tony Haile (@arctictony). Longform Product @Twitter, Formerly CEO @tryscroll (acq by Twtr), CEO @Chartbeat, oceans, cold places etc. "a glib non-journalist" Jill Abramson. New York, NY
Tony Haile (@arctictony)
Devine Lu Linvega (@neauoire)
Devine Lu Linvega (@neauoire)
The latest Tweets from Devine Lu Linvega (@neauoire). It’s always night under the ultraviolet sun. The Ocean
Devine Lu Linvega (@neauoire)
laura yan (@noirony)
laura yan (@noirony)
The latest Tweets from laura yan (@noirony). writer / artist / teacher. i have so many questions. stories at Wired, GQ, The Cut, The Verge, Longreads, The Outline + elsewhere. union @paythewriter. new york
laura yan (@noirony)
Matt Bencke (@bencke)
Matt Bencke (@bencke)
The latest Tweets from Matt Bencke (@bencke). Dad, husband, entrepreneur
Matt Bencke (@bencke)
David A Banks (@DA_Banks)
David A Banks (@DA_Banks)
The latest Tweets from David A Banks (@DA_Banks). writing a book about how cities in Upstate NY are forced to act like reality tv stars in the attention economy. 🎙@ironweedspod 📄@_reallifemag. Troy, NY, USA
David A Banks (@DA_Banks)
Matthew Lieber (@mlieber)
Matthew Lieber (@mlieber)
The latest Tweets from Matthew Lieber (@mlieber). Cofounder @gimletmedia. Brooklyn
Matthew Lieber (@mlieber)
Adrienne LaFrance (@AdrienneLaF)
Adrienne LaFrance (@AdrienneLaF)
The latest Tweets from Adrienne LaFrance (@AdrienneLaF). Executive Editor, The Atlantic. Pale Blue Dot
Adrienne LaFrance (@AdrienneLaF)
chendo (@chendo)
chendo (@chendo)
The latest Tweets from chendo (@chendo). Technology-oriented problem solver. Games, bouldering, home automation, coffee, cats. Co-founder @AssemblyFour and @HiveTechLabs. he/him. Melbourne, Australia
chendo (@chendo)
Martyn Williams (@martyn_williams)
Martyn Williams (@martyn_williams)
The latest Tweets from Martyn Williams (@martyn_williams). North Korea-focused journalist/researcher @NorthKoreaTech @38NorthNK. Fellow @stimsoncenter. Author @committeeHRNK. Also KJ6SDF. Washington, DC
Martyn Williams (@martyn_williams)