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Excel - Get Worksheet Name
Excel - Get Worksheet Name
I was working on an Excel spreadsheet a couple of days ago where I wanted to automatically pick up the name of the current worksheet to use in a VLOOKUP function.  I came up with the following combination of functions to get it for me…
Excel - Get Worksheet Name
Drip Feed
Drip Feed
I did a bit more tweaking of the Yahoo Pipe construct that puts the FlagIT blog and Twitter feed together onto the Reboot IT blog.  The output now combines the two feeds in a chronological order.
Drip Feed
Meeting Scheduling
Meeting Scheduling
When scheduling meetings with people who don’t share a common calendar system I favor the use of Doodle.  However you might be interested to know that Meet-o-matic are offering 1,000 free registrations for their latest more advanced beta version for online registrations.
Meeting Scheduling
Word - Creating Sample Text
Word - Creating Sample Text
Microsoft Word has a little known feature (unless you happen to have read Microsoft Knowledgebase Article 212251 of course) that allows you to create large amounts of sample text using what’s in effect an inline macro command.  Microsoft Word 2007 has a wider range of macro commands than previous versions, but I’ll describe the 2007 versions here.
Word - Creating Sample Text
Grab Web Page into NoteTab Text Editor
Grab Web Page into NoteTab Text Editor
NoteTab is a favoured text editor of mine and for a number of years I’ve used it for working with web pages and coding up HTML, PHP, Javascript and the like.  One of the best features of NoteTab (beyond the light version being free to download) is its powerful scripting language - creating what is known as NoteTab Clips.
Grab Web Page into NoteTab Text Editor
PowerPoint - Mastering the canvas
PowerPoint - Mastering the canvas
Every presentation these days involves Microsoft PowerPoint.  After a while no matter how much multimedia you add to it, your presentation can still look a bit dull and boring.  In order to make your next presentation a bit different why not try pptPlex?
PowerPoint - Mastering the canvas
Screen Capture
Screen Capture
For a simple screen shot taking tool, Lightscreen is a free piece of software that sits in the system tray and can assign hot keys to capturing screen areas as well as the usual desktop and active window.  It can also be set to dump out direct to file.
Screen Capture
BETT Show 09
BETT Show 09
As anyone who’s been following the RebootIT Twitter feed today will know, I’ve been at the first day of the BETT Show 09. BETT (or British Education and Training Technology) is an education focussed technology event with the global industry giants of IT such as Microsoft right the way down to businesses run by individuals providing specialised learning materials. Whilst the Academy is not dealing directly with educating students, we do work in the HE sector and so the suppliers are often the same. Additionally we do need to train our own staff in technology and so there’s some parallels there too.
BETT Show 09
Sticky Note Sorting
Sticky Note Sorting
Ever sorted sticky notes (affinity diagramming) on a wall and then had to copy it all down?  Well perhaps StickySorterfrom Microsoft Offics Labs might be just the thing you need.  Combine it with an electronic whiteboard like MIMIOor a projector and a gyroscopic/wireless keyboard & mouse and you can really get to work.  With Microsoft Surface on the horizon it could be even more natural and just ever so slightly Minority Report … but not everything’s perfect.
Sticky Note Sorting
Microsoft Tags vs. QR Codes
Microsoft Tags vs. QR Codes
Microsoft have relatively recently launched their new “mobile tagging” beta programme.  It’s quite similar to the existing QR codes that have been around for some time and it was for this reason that it caught my attention and I decided to give Microsoft Tag an evaluation in comparison to QR codes.
Microsoft Tags vs. QR Codes
NoteTab Clipping - Detect Parameter Passing
NoteTab Clipping - Detect Parameter Passing
When working with NoteTab clips I like to be efficient and reuse clips just like programmers do with functions, subroutines, code libraries, etc. So one little thing I like to use when dealing with some clips is a conditional statement that allows the clip to work out if it was called from another clip with a parameter.
NoteTab Clipping - Detect Parameter Passing
NoteTab Clip - Use Empty File
NoteTab Clip - Use Empty File
A little clip I like to use in NoteTab is one for ensuring that I have an empty file.  I usually call it using the ^!FarClip command from a standard library before I dump out the results of something where I always want it to be separate.
NoteTab Clip - Use Empty File
Google May Harm Your Computer
Google May Harm Your Computer
Like almost everyone else with an Internet connection on the western part of our planet I use Google a lot.  Today though they seem to be having problems.  Everything I’m searching for seems to have an associated warning - this site may harm your computer.
Google May Harm Your Computer
Continuous Ping
Continuous Ping
Sometimes when testing network connectivity to a server on the local LAN or a web site I use the ubiquitous PING command to do the job.  If I need to do it repeatedly I tend to write a quick DOS batch file (a text based script with a file extension of BAT or CMD).
Continuous Ping
NoteTab Clipping - Binary Clip Wizard Options
NoteTab Clipping - Binary Clip Wizard Options
NoteTab clipping uses the clip wizard functionality to produce sophisticated input dialog windows to obtain information from the user.  There is however a strange view produced when looking at a single check box. The clip code shown below shows the various pieces of clip code used and below that are the discussions of the approach and options along with the screen shots of what the clip wizard produces.
NoteTab Clipping - Binary Clip Wizard Options
Excel - Multiple Worksheet Macros
Excel - Multiple Worksheet Macros
A little while ago I was asked by one of our finance team to see if I could help reduce the workload required in maintaining a reporting Excel spreadsheet. Along with some very specific automation amendments to the spreadsheet I also created something quite generic to allow a macro to be run against multiple worksheets in an Excel workbook.
Excel - Multiple Worksheet Macros
NoteTab Clip - Duplicate File
NoteTab Clip - Duplicate File
Quite often when working on a file I want to clone it as a backup or to work on another copy to try something out. I was doing this so often and being such a lazy coder I whipped up a quick NoteTab clip to make it even easier. Run it with the file you want to duplicate open in NoteTab and it will create a duplicate in a new tab and give it the focus.
NoteTab Clip - Duplicate File
Live Mesh - Force Synchronisation
Live Mesh - Force Synchronisation
I’m really enjoying the flexibility that Microsoft Live Mesh is giving me.  It lets me synchronise bits and pieces between various computers and means that I can have quick and easy access to files on my home computer(s), work computer, my Windows mobile phone and even on a computer used by my sports club.   It’s a bit like offline files but the Internet is your network and therefore it’s quite a bit slower to synchronise than if you’re on an office LAN for example.
Live Mesh - Force Synchronisation
NoteTab Numeric Accuracy
NoteTab Numeric Accuracy
I’ve been working on something to help me with some logging activity in NoteTab and I’ll be posting a variety of useful bits and pieces from this in both this micro blog (FlagIT) and my main blog (RebootIT).  As part of this I was looking at producing some date related clips which necessitated looking at some mathematical clips and notably one to determine if a number is an Integer.  NoteTab is a text editor and numeric manipulations are definitely not its forte, so I needed to produce a clip function to do this.
NoteTab Numeric Accuracy
NoteTab - Calculating Text
NoteTab - Calculating Text
In my latest foray into NoteTab arithmetic I came across a curious fact around performing arithmetic calculations on a variable containing text.  Whilst in purely mathematical terms an arithmetic operation on something that has a numeric value is a bit nonsensical, but NoteTab is a text editor…
NoteTab - Calculating Text
NoteTab Clip - Day of Week
NoteTab Clip - Day of Week
I seem to be doing rather a lot with NoteTab at the moment and again I thought I’d share something useful I scripted. This time around, it’s relating to date/time and days of the week.
NoteTab Clip - Day of Week
AutoHotKey - Portable Drive Menu
AutoHotKey - Portable Drive Menu
I’m a big fan of portable applications and particularly the work driven by  The PortableApps Menu has been undergoing a revamp for some time now to work towards a number of enhancements and in the mean time I’ve taken up using a branch of this known as Geek Menu.  Unfortunately they are all quite slow as I have a huge number of portable applications on my portable hard drive.
AutoHotKey - Portable Drive Menu
Zxing a QR Code in a pinch
Zxing a QR Code in a pinch
Have you ever found yourself in a pinch where there’s a QR code on a web page or stored on your computer and you don’t have your phone with you (or more often than not your smart phone’s battery has died on you {again})?  Well Zxing to the rescue.
Zxing a QR Code in a pinch
Universal Charger for Mobile Phones
Universal Charger for Mobile Phones
About a week ago the BBC ran an article about standardisation of mobile phone chargers.  Not particularly interesting at first thought, but the article was quite enlightening.
Universal Charger for Mobile Phones
Omnia and Microsoft Tag
Omnia and Microsoft Tag
Well it’s been a little while since I posted my comparison of Microsoft Tag and QR Codes.  In this post I noted that there was a strange 90° anti-clockwise when using the Microsoft Tag reader on my Samsung Omnia i900. Well I stumbled across the reason today whilst testing some Microsoft Tag print outs I had produced for an event.
Omnia and Microsoft Tag
Technical Community Event
Technical Community Event
Today the Academy York office hosted an event for the Academy’s technical community.  Staff with ICT interests from York were joined by a range of like minded colleagues from the Academy Subject Centres and some guest speakers from outside of the community - around thirty in total.
Technical Community Event
The Ultimate ICT Support Tool
The Ultimate ICT Support Tool
One thing I came across after managing to find five minutes to read through some news feed recommendations a few weeks ago is something which could be the ultimate ICT support tool.
The Ultimate ICT Support Tool
QR Code and MS Tag Experiment
QR Code and MS Tag Experiment
At Thursday’s technical community event I had a little experiment involving QR Codes and Microsoft Tags.  We have information up in our office meeting rooms about how visitors may access our wireless network.  We have an alphanumeric access key and I used this as the basis for my little experiment.
QR Code and MS Tag Experiment
Can’t XPerience a canvas
Can’t XPerience a canvas
Microsoft Office Labs have launched an exciting new addition to One Note - Canvas for One Note.  This is the same idea as pptPlex for PowerPoint and instead off slides it amalgamates One Note notebook pages into a single canvas.  You can then zoom in and out and edit pages on a desktop like layout.
Can’t XPerience a canvas