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The Lazy Mind-set for Productive People
The Lazy Mind-set for Productive People
When you think of productivity I’m guessing that for most people the first word that springs to mind probably isn’t “lazy”, but for me it’s been like that from the start. It’s my mind-set.
The Lazy Mind-set for Productive People
Read Batch File Script Info
Read Batch File Script Info
Recently I was updating a rather complex DOS batch file that we track the changes on. Each time we update it, we update a comment in the batch file for the version number. Since we sometimes get logs sent to us about the script’s operation I figured it would be useful to add the version number to the log file.
Read Batch File Script Info
How to Have More Effective Meetings
How to Have More Effective Meetings
Recently I spotted a number of people I’m connected with on LinkedIn and a number of people I follow on Twitter sharing an image about Tips for Running Effective Meetings. Since I’m always interested in ways to improve what I do I gave it a read through. I was surprised to find that as I read it through I found myself having an issue with almost every point given. In this post I’m going to describe why I have issues with the suggestions and what I’d offer up as alternatives.
How to Have More Effective Meetings
Why HCM Data Quality Matters
Why HCM Data Quality Matters
There’s an acronym in computer science that holds true in many areas of business including that of HCM - GIGO. It stands for “Garbage In, Garbage Out” and refers to the fact that computers will process things literally and if you enter data that is no good you’ll end up with data that is no good. Even when you put an intelligent human in the mix and give them poor quality data you’re more than likely to end up with rubbish results.
Why HCM Data Quality Matters
Archiving Folders With 7ZIP
Archiving Folders With 7ZIP
Recently I was carrying out a bit of house keeping on my work laptop’s hard drive. I have a folder in Windows that contains daily folders of temp files and every so often I compress them and archive them off to free up some space. Usually it just takes me a few minutes to run through the folders and compress them into archive files. Unfortunately over the past year I’d not gotten around to doing it so I had rather a lot of folders to archive and I decided to quickly put together a little script to help me.
Archiving Folders With 7ZIP
TextExpander: Get Domain Information - WhoIs Record
TextExpander: Get Domain Information - WhoIs Record
A little while back I spent a bit of time investigating some domain names for a project I was working on. As you may know, you can see all sorts of useful information about a domain by looking up it’s Who Is record. In order to save time I came up with a couple of TextExpander snippets to help with that.
TextExpander: Get Domain Information - WhoIs Record
TextExpander: Inline Calculation
TextExpander: Inline Calculation
There are many options these days for carrying out ad hoc calculations. Personally I ditched the desktop calculator as soon as I got a personal computer for my day to day work - after all a computer is a very capable calculator. But that left me with various options of how to carry out a calculation. On the Mac there’s the calculator app and following in the steps of launchers like Alfred even Spotlight allows you to carry out quick calculations. If you have a browser open you could even tap into the calculation potential of engines such as Google search of Wolfram-Alpha. However in order to retain my clipboard and tap into something that allowed for some more complex calculations I created a TextExpander snippet to help with this.
TextExpander: Inline Calculation
TextExpander: List Browser Tabs
TextExpander: List Browser Tabs
Like many of us, the Internet is my go to place for immediate access information. It allows me to quickly research topics via my web browser, but for more involved topics it can be difficult for me to get enough detail in a single sitting, or I may need to pass on some details elsewhere (e.g. a reference list for a document/post/article). But when I have several tabs open (potentially across several windows) it can be a pain to manually list out the links and pages. To that end I created an AppleScript based TextExpander snippet to produce such a list.
TextExpander: List Browser Tabs
ThoughtAsylum 2014 Review
ThoughtAsylum 2014 Review
It’s the new year so once again it’s time to review the past 12 months and see what’s been going on at and with me.
ThoughtAsylum 2014 Review
Workflow (iOS): A Workflow to Duplicate Workflows
Workflow (iOS): A Workflow to Duplicate Workflows
Late last year I was eagerly awaiting the release of a new iOS application that promised a new level of automation. Whilst I do like using Launch Center Pro, Drafts and Pythonista, Workflow promised something a little different and something that could complement these other tools nicely. I’m sure I’ll be sharing numerous workflows on this site as time goes by, but the first one I thought I’d share is one that you could say is a little bit meta. A workflow for duplicating workflows.
Workflow (iOS): A Workflow to Duplicate Workflows
Workflow (iOS): Some Example Workflows for Dates
Workflow (iOS): Some Example Workflows for Dates
Whilst experimenting and answering occasional Twitter questions relating to date manipulation in the iOS Workflow app I’ve created a few example workflows. These workflows are not intended to be stand alone workflows with a practical purpose, but simply as ways that the dates can be manipulated. Date manipulation is a common requirement. You may need to extract elements of a date (e.g. the month) or rearrange to another format. You can use them for queries, web site links, file names and a myriad of other things. So getting an idea of how to do some manipulations in Workflow could potentially prove quite useful.
Workflow (iOS): Some Example Workflows for Dates
Workflow (iOS): A Workflow to Download Images (Jay Mantri)
Workflow (iOS): A Workflow to Download Images (Jay Mantri)
I’ve been experimenting a lot recently with the iOS Workflow application and whilst it is an initial release it has a lot of power and a vast amount of potential. Whilst there are a number of features I’m hoping will be included in upcoming releases I have a few workflows that are already saving me some time and one of those relates to a site called The site offers up a set of photographs for download each week and when the e-mail comes to let me know they’re available I dutifully went to the site to download each of them from. But now with Workflow I can grab them from across the site with the push of a button.
Workflow (iOS): A Workflow to Download Images (Jay Mantri)
Workflow (iOS): Server Commands
Workflow (iOS): Server Commands
It’s amazing how many computers we all work with these days. Our phones, our tablets, work computers, personal computers, remote servers, Raspberry Pis; the list goes on. I frequently find myself wanting to action things on a computer other than the one in front of me and I now have another tool in my arsenal to do this … the iOS app Workflow.
Workflow (iOS): Server Commands
Workflow (iOS): Take a Note
Workflow (iOS): Take a Note
I continue to find great personal uses for the iOS app Workflow. One of the ones I’ve been experimenting with recently relates to quickly taking contextual notes and adding them into Evernote.
Workflow (iOS): Take a Note
Workflow (iOS): Archive Web Page to PDF
Workflow (iOS): Archive Web Page to PDF
Continuing with my little spate of sharing workflows for the iOS app known as Workflow, I’ve decided to share another simple action extension workflow that allows you to save web pages as a simplified style PDF Whilst I personally use Evernote as my snap shot repository and page cleaner of choice, sometimes I want to be able to send other people a snap shot of a page and Workflow provides a relatively easy way to do this.
Workflow (iOS): Archive Web Page to PDF
TextExpander: Plain Text to HTML Paragraphs
TextExpander: Plain Text to HTML Paragraphs
TextExpander is one of my most frequently used Mac utilities and I have all sorts of snippets that help me with all sorts of tasks. From correcting my seldom perfect typing and inserting standard sets of boilerplate text through to more advanced ones that produce fill-in forms and carry out conversions of clipboard text. This focus of this post certainly falls into the latter, but does so in doing something surprisingly simple. It takes plain text and simply adds HTML paragraph tags in at the appropriate locations.
TextExpander: Plain Text to HTML Paragraphs
The Most Common Failing in Business
The Most Common Failing in Business
During my career I’ve encountered dozens of processes, agreements, work packages, projects and changes that have, for one reason or another, failed. Whilst the contributing factors varied, there was one that has almost always appeared somewhere in the chain of events responsible for the failure. A deficiency in communication.
The Most Common Failing in Business
Visualization Solutions by Nakisa 4.3 Update Overview
Visualization Solutions by Nakisa 4.3 Update Overview
In Q1 of 2015, Nakisa released the latest iteration of their visualisation suite (VSN) of applications - version 4.3. With 4.2 being an interim release for Nakisa’s Performance and Goals product or perhaps an internal working version, 4.3 can probably be considered an upgrade from the 4.1 SP2 release. As well as rolling in various bug fixes and general performance improvements, version 4.3 includes some great feature enhancements.
Visualization Solutions by Nakisa 4.3 Update Overview
TextExpander: Clipboard Snippets Using Javascript
TextExpander: Clipboard Snippets Using Javascript
Smile Software have just released a new update to their TextExpander product that brought a particularly interesting new feature. The option to run JavaScript based snippets. At first this may appear unremarkable given that the previous OS X snippets could take advantage of AppleScript, or shell script based options such as BASH, Perl and Python (to name just a few). The exciting thing to me however was that the JavaScript based snippets could also run on the iOS version; whereas AppleScript and shell script based snippets cannot. As an initial foray into using JavaScript snippets on my iOS devices I decided I’d try recreating one of my existing snippet groups.
TextExpander: Clipboard Snippets Using Javascript
Workflow Examples
Workflow Examples
Workflow app is one of my favourite iOS apps.  As well as being incredibly innovative and useful in so many ways, it is also something I enjoy exploring and tinkering with.  In fact I’ve pitched in on Twitter several times to give people a hand figuring out how to do what they want in Workflow.
Workflow Examples
VBScript: Flip Line Endings
VBScript: Flip Line Endings
Recently I was working for a client who had particularly strict controls around access and tools that I could use. Whilst the bulk of the work I was carrying out on their Linux box could be managed using vi, I found it a little limiting when analysing some of the log files the work was producing. On the Windows machine I was using to access the files I only had Windows notepad and this really doesn’t handle Linux file endings well. As a result I put together a quick VBScript to help with this.
VBScript: Flip Line Endings
Workflow: Chaining Workflows
Workflow: Chaining Workflows
Workflow is a fantastic iOS automation app that allows you to do many wonderful, amazing and even crazy things. One of the problems for me through has been controlling process flow can be quite cumbersome - particularly with the larger and more complex workflows as well as workflows that I’d like to loop in some way or re-use. The programmer in me has certainly been pining for this sort of feature. Of course workflow being workflow there is a way to work around this limitation - at least to an extent which has improved workflow creation vastly for me.
Workflow: Chaining Workflows
Workflow: Blogging About Workflows
Workflow: Blogging About Workflows
Since the release of the Workflow application for iOS I’ve written quite a few workflows and as time as permitted I’ve been sharing many of them out to the world via this site. They’ve taken the form of full blog posts describing how the more complex workflows work through to simpler example workflow posts where I’ve just posted a description of what the workflow is intended to do. As part of these posts I’ve been creating full screen shots of the workflows which a number of people have asked me about. In this post I’ll be revealing how I create them along with some details of a workflow that I developed out of these blogs and has enabled me to fairly quickly put together the example workflows.
Workflow: Blogging About Workflows
Workflow: Save Workflow Name and Link
Workflow: Save Workflow Name and Link
Part of my blogging about Workflow workflows involves me capturing some basic details about the workflow. This includes the name of the workflow and the link to download it. As part of my reference system these are both key items that I wanted to make available in a text file in my Workflow folder in Dropbox. This is the first workflow step in my blogging process.
Workflow: Save Workflow Name and Link
Workflow: Save Workflow File
Workflow: Save Workflow File
This workflow I don’t tend to use as part of the process of creating my blog post information. Rather it is a way of giving myself a backup of the workflow in case I need to restore it and find for some reason that the online page is unavailable. Remember it is easy and painful to not have enough backups and only slightly more effort and a lot less pain to have enough … I’ve yet to meet someone who has too many. Also since this runs as a fully automated part of my blog post preparation process it really is no effort to have it included and run.
Workflow: Save Workflow File
Workflow: Save Workflow Icon
Workflow: Save Workflow Icon
One of the elements I use in my blog posts (among other places) are workflow icons. I try and choose meaningful pictographs for the icons (though the set could do with a significant expansion) and I try to use the base icon colour in a meaningful way. Within my blog posts I often use them as the intro image - as I do in this post and so having a copy of the icon image ready and waiting for me when I blog is a real boon.
Workflow: Save Workflow Icon
Workflow: Crop Workflow Screen Shot
Workflow: Crop Workflow Screen Shot
A big piece of my workflow blogs (and something readers have commented on many times) are the workflow screen shots I produce. As detailed in the Blogging About Workflows blog post I take several overlapping screen shots and use an iOS app to stitch them together into the mega-length screen shots that you’ll see scattered through the workflow related blog posts on this site. However the images that it creates include parts that I don’t which to use. These are the top bar that shows my time, battery level, etc. (which many people including Federico Viticci and Dr Drang find a need to remove - ref. MacStories) and the workflow bottom bar (Actions and Workflow buttons). I’ve automated the cropping of the screen shot with a workflow to do exactly this. It also saves the file into Dropbox for me and offers to delete it from my device camera roll.
Workflow: Crop Workflow Screen Shot
Workflow: Remove Recent Screen Shots
Workflow: Remove Recent Screen Shots
The final part of my blogging about Workflow workflows is focussed on tidying up. When I produce the composite screen shot described in the Blogging About Workflows blog post I almost always end up with a small stack of screen shot files sat on my device. Once the final cropped image is produced, I have no further need for them and this workflow is used for deleting them, but it will work stand alone just fine; deleting any screen shots generated in the last twenty minutes.
Workflow: Remove Recent Screen Shots
Thought Asylum TextExpander Snippet Groups Update
Thought Asylum TextExpander Snippet Groups Update
Since the release of TextExpander 5 on OS X and TextExpander Touch 3 on iOS I’ve been updating and revising my TextExpander snippets to take advantage of some of the new functionality and to get some of the contents better aligned for sharing online with the public. Today I’m happy to say I’ve taken a significant step forward with a new update to the Thought Asylum TextExpander snippets groups.
Thought Asylum TextExpander Snippet Groups Update