

Custom sorting
Get on the Bus with Microsoft
Get on the Bus with Microsoft
This evening I had the pleasure of attending a special Microsoft event hosted just a few minutes away from my office.  A team of Microsoft employees are currently traveling across Europe on the Microsoft Get on the Bus tour.  York doesn’t really strike people as being the heart of UK ICT, but Andrew Bettany of the University of York managed to arrange for the tour to swing by the National Science Learning Centre and it was a fantastic opportunity.
Get on the Bus with Microsoft
Simple Template Workaround for Evernote
Simple Template Workaround for Evernote
I really like Evernote and the more I use it the more I like it.  For anyone who hasn’t used it, Evernote is a free piece of software that allows you to capture notes in a variety of formats and synchronise the electronic notebooks it creates with other machines via ‘the cloud’.  It has lots of other features, but one thing it doesn’t do is templates.
Simple Template Workaround for Evernote
Starbucks Card Registration
Starbucks Card Registration
I recently got a Starbucks card.  As well as getting a free shot in my latte when I pay by card I can get free WiFi access with my mug of coffee.  However all was not straight forward for me because of one mis-communication when I got my card which caused a bit of a problem.
Starbucks Card Registration
Adobe Product Code Problem
Adobe Product Code Problem
Recently one of my colleagues was having issues in registering a piece of Adobe CS4 software on one of our user’s PCs. The product code was numeric and it was being refused each time he entered it. It even got to the point where he had another colleague check he was entering it correctly. After some frustration and a bit of research he discovered a surprising fact….
Adobe Product Code Problem
iPhone and iPod Delete and Backspace
iPhone and iPod Delete and Backspace
I’ve had an iPod touch for a few months now and I’m a little frustrated by one of the keyboard elements.  The keyboard has a backspace key but has no delete key  i.e. you can delete characters to the left of the cursor, but not to the right.
iPhone and iPod Delete and Backspace
Chrome OS as Laptop Fast Boot Option
Chrome OS as Laptop Fast Boot Option
We have a number of E-series Dell laptops in my organisation and whilst we don’t configure it many have Dell’s Latitude On installed.  This is a small Linux install that gives quick read only access to things such as recent mail, calendar and even a web browser.
Chrome OS as Laptop Fast Boot Option
The Google Earth Compass
The Google Earth Compass
If you’ve used Google Earth on the iPhone or iPod Touch have you ever visited one of the poles?  If you do be sure to check out the compass in the top right corner of the screen.  If for example you zoom in on a point roughly 90°N & 135°W you will see the compass rotate and spin freely.
The Google Earth Compass
Quickly add a page to Evernote from iPhone Safari
Quickly add a page to Evernote from iPhone Safari
I regularly make use of Evernote from my iPod touch (effectively an iPhone without the inbuilt communications) and I frequently look to add information from a web page in Safari to Evernote.  As I’ve written about before, the standard Evernote bookmarklet can be added to the iPod/iPhone Safari app and this will then provide an option to set a title for the note as well as providing an option to add tags.  I find this useful but invariably it is quite slow.
Quickly add a page to Evernote from iPhone Safari
Duplicate a Note in Evernote
Duplicate a Note in Evernote
Evernote is a great application for jotting down a quick note about something new, but occasionally I find that I want to jot a note that’s very similar to an existing note.  I predominantly use the Windows 3.1 version and whilst it looks as though copy and paste is enabled for notes it isn’t.  So how do you do it?
Duplicate a Note in Evernote
Multiple Monitors
Multiple Monitors
Several months ago I got a Dell Latitude E6400 laptop to replace my overworked Dell Latitude D410.  Along with the laptop I got a new advanced E-dock which included two monitor outputs, so I recycled an old smaller monitor that had been relegated to the stores to have a dual monitor set-up.
Multiple Monitors
A New Year’s Resolution for Evernote - More Tags and Fewer Notebooks
A New Year’s Resolution for Evernote - More Tags and Fewer Notebooks
This coming year I’ve decided to take a different approach with one of my core applications, Evernote. It’s based around reducing the number opf notebooks I’m using whilst increasing the number of tags. This is the opposite to what many Evernote users are doing, so I thought it might be useful to explain what my reasoning is behind this.
A New Year’s Resolution for Evernote - More Tags and Fewer Notebooks
Huawei E5830 MiFi Case
Huawei E5830 MiFi Case
One of my best technology purchases in 2009 was my Huawei E5830 MiFi.  The best way I have to describe it is like a smart phone without the phone bit.  It connects to a cellular data network and shares the connection over a self-generated WiFi network with up to five other devices such as a laptop or iPod touch.
Huawei E5830 MiFi Case
A Workaround for Sub-Notebooks in Evernote
A Workaround for Sub-Notebooks in Evernote
Currently Evernote does not currently support outline structuring for notebooks.  This means that you can’t group notebooks into collections (e.g. folders) or have sections/sub-notebooks.  Recently I posted about why in many cases it is often better to use tags rather than notebooks as this allows you to better mark-up notes for searches and the like.  However there is a desire to sometimes have information hierarchically organised and this is where an outline structure for notebooks in Evernote would be useful.  Until the Evernote developers catch up on this popular request across all of the software platforms tags can provide you with a workaround.
A Workaround for Sub-Notebooks in Evernote
Top FlagIT Posts of 2009
Top FlagIT Posts of 2009
It’s been about a year since I started blogging here and whilst it was primarily supposed to be a site for quick useful tech-related posts several have grown into far larger posts.  Whilst some posts have remained somewhat quiet on the number of reads others have generated far more interest than I could have expected.
Top FlagIT Posts of 2009
Get Value from the Text Function in Excel
Get Value from the Text Function in Excel
I’ve been doing a little bit more work with some spreadsheets recently and I came across a situation where I needed to work with a date and carry out a comparison to a string of text.  My first attempt fell short as it wouldn’t get the value I wanted, but Excel’s TEXT() function came to my rescue.
Get Value from the Text Function in Excel
Evernote Keyboard Shortcuts
Evernote Keyboard Shortcuts
I was going to spend some time today compiling a list of keyboard shortcuts for Evernote.  I’d had a look around some time ago and been unable to find much out there, but before I began I thought I’d have another check.  This time I found a link to a PDF on site that does a superb job of describing the available shortcut keys. Download Evernote Shortcuts PDF.
Evernote Keyboard Shortcuts
Finding the size of a Microsoft Office 2007 file
Finding the size of a Microsoft Office 2007 file
Prior to Microsoft Office 2007 (MSO2007), office provided a quick and simple way to find out just how big your file was. This was done by selecting the properties option from the file menu which then displayed the same file properties dialog box that you could select from the file in Windows Explorer.
Finding the size of a Microsoft Office 2007 file
Excel 2007 Hyperlink Limitation
Excel 2007 Hyperlink Limitation
For a couple of years now I’ve been pulling IT service desk statistics into a spreadsheet and setting up worksheets to break down and analyse the data in various ways.  The number of worksheets has subsequently grown a significant amount and I wanted to create a front worksheet that contained hyperlinks to and brief descriptions for each of the subsequent worksheets.
Excel 2007 Hyperlink Limitation
Apple Rumour: iPhone Touch Sensitive Back
Apple Rumour: iPhone Touch Sensitive Back
A day or two ago Bloomberg published an article that featured a rumour that the next generation iPhone might conceivably include a touch sensitive back like Apple’s latest magic mouse.  This surely has to be some sort of joke?
Apple Rumour: iPhone Touch Sensitive Back
Scan to Evernote (without Fujitsu ScanSnap)
Scan to Evernote (without Fujitsu ScanSnap)
For some time now Fujitsu ScanSnap has been a well publicised way to get your scans into Evernote with a minimum of fuss.  I don’t have a Fujitsu scanner, but I did have a desire to get my an all-in-one print/scan/fax unit to fit into some sort of scan to Evernote work flow.  Thankfully it was surprisingly easy.
Scan to Evernote (without Fujitsu ScanSnap)
Nokia E71 - Exchange Password Reset
Nokia E71 - Exchange Password Reset
We’ve recently had some Nokia E71 hand sets in for staff to use and some users are now starting to reset their passwords for the Microsoft Exchange server.  This needs to be entered on the phone, but unfortunately it doesn’t just offer up a “your current password isn’t working like to enter a new one?” option.  Instead we’re having to make our way through the following twelve step laborious process…
Nokia E71 - Exchange Password Reset
My Wish List for Apple iPhone OS 4.0
My Wish List for Apple iPhone OS 4.0
So the much anticipated Apple announcement is almost upon us. Many of the rumours doing the rounds not only include the much anticipated Apple Tablet, but also a new version of the iPhone OS. This would make sense if the new OS is to also run on a tablet as it would presumably need to allow for a different screen size. If there is a new OS there will no doubt be other enhancements and revisions, so I thought I’d take this opportunity to share fifteen enhancements I’d like to see made to the a new iPhone OS.
My Wish List for Apple iPhone OS 4.0
Automatically get Tweets to Evernote without using @myen
Automatically get Tweets to Evernote without using @myen
Evernoteis a tool I use practically every single day. I love the versatility of the system and its cross-platform availability as well as the fact that you can use it for free. One of the features I now take for granted are the variety of ways you can get information into Evernote.
Automatically get Tweets to Evernote without using @myen
Why is an iPhone like an Etch-a-Sketch?
Why is an iPhone like an Etch-a-Sketch?
I usually read manuals before using something, but in the case of my iPod Touch I pretty much dived straight in. However I recently took the opportunity to have a look at the online help within Safari and came across the instructions for using the undo operation. I think I might have accidentally used the undo function before but never realised how to activate it.
Why is an iPhone like an Etch-a-Sketch?
Publicly Share a Notebook or Note in Evernote
Publicly Share a Notebook or Note in Evernote
I love Evernote and the flexibility it gives me to carry my information with me everywhere. What I also make use of from time to time is the option to share information with other people. Typically I share it with other individuals by sharing a notebook with them specifically or simply by e-mailing the content of the note directly to them.
Publicly Share a Notebook or Note in Evernote
Mass Tweet Delete
Mass Tweet Delete
A few days ago my partner was having a problem with her organisation’s Twitter feed.  Part of their feed is driven by an automated RSS to Twitter service and for some reason the RSS feed reset and the Twitter account was then flooded with several years of postings from the RSS feed.
Mass Tweet Delete
An Improved Template System for Evernote
An Improved Template System for Evernote
One of the things that people have frequently asked for in Evernote is for the inclusion of templates.  I wrote a post in November 2009 about how ENSCRIPT could be used to automate the creation of notes in Evernote based on a template.  I’ve now taken that post which was more a proof of concept and created what I think is an improved system for using templates in Evernote.
An Improved Template System for Evernote
ReaddleDocs Bookmarklet
ReaddleDocs Bookmarklet
ReaddleDocs is an iPhone/iPod touch app that allows you to download files from web sites (amongst other things).  Frequently you may find you want to download something when you’re browsing the web in Safari.  To open the page in ReaddleDocs, you just need to prefix the url with an “r” - i.e. “http://” becomes “rhttp://”.
ReaddleDocs Bookmarklet
Creating a Daily Journal in Evernote
Creating a Daily Journal in Evernote
Building on yesterday’s post on an improved template system for Evernote I’d like to share with you how I use a variation on this system to create a daily journal template.
Creating a Daily Journal in Evernote
Power Mailing to Evernote
Power Mailing to Evernote
For some time now Evernote has supported thee-mailing of notes into Evernote to automatically create a note.  This has been fantastically useful in terms of automation of things like automatically feeding tweets into Evernote or just quickly getting pages from the iPhone Safari browser into Evernote. Today Evernote took a big step forward with this and added functionality to the e-mail processing to allow you to specify a notebook and one or more tags for the note generated by the e-mail.
Power Mailing to Evernote