Now testing: Endless Dashboard scrolling You can enable the option on your Preferences page.

Introducing: Photosets If a picture is worth a thousand words
Introducing: Submissions There’s an interesting genre of blog that is more about the community than the author
Now testing: Automatic post recovery Ever lose a post to a pesky browser crash
By popular demand: J and K now jump between posts on the Dashboard. Works great with endless scrolling.
Ta-da! New jump to top arrow when endless scrolling.
We just updated the Followers and Following pages. Let me know what you think!
Tumblr Experiment: Photo Filter Hey everyone
Twitter support just got mad hot
In honor of some recent achievements
Two awesome new features for theme designers: Theme Permalinks and Theme Author Pages
We’re rolling out a big new development today: Introducing Tag Channels
Automatically publish to your Facebook News Feed We’ve seen a bunch of junky Facebook integrations by publishing platforms
This is addictive
Now testing support for multiple Twitter accounts across multiple blogs! Please let us know if you see anything acting funny.
HUGE Theme Upgrades
Since a few people asked recently, you can now search your followers for a specific user. Neat, huh?
Now testing: Upload photos in Text posts Take it for a spin! Let us know if you catch anything acting funny.
Now testing: “Read More” breaks Inserting a break will truncate your post so readers need to click “Read More” to view it in its entirety
Theme designers
Tracking tags just got a whole lot more useful
We now extract album art from uploaded music
Now testing: Password protected blogs It just got crazy easy to privately share posts with your family
Now testing: Tumblr Booth
Don’t get stuck doing math on your Dashboard! Note counts now increment automatically. Have a nice weekend!
New thing!
The Tumblr Backup app is ready for beta testing
I think we’re turning Japanese
Now testing: Email Notifications One of Tumblr’s most requested features is now in beta! You can enable it on your Preferences page.