

potad on Twitter
potad on Twitter
Every time I refresh twitter I get put back on the Bane timeline, fuck this shitty site
potad on Twitter
Mikel Bass on Twitter
Mikel Bass on Twitter
created a bumble account; interesting to see people who told me “oh I’m not really looking for anything right now,” having recently updated profiles 🙄 how about some honesty - it’s not that hard to say “I’m not interested in you” 🪦
Mikel Bass on Twitter
Eramdam | Thu Jan 19 22:28:43 +0000 2023
Eramdam | Thu Jan 19 22:28:43 +0000 2023
Twitter as a site and platform literally owes *everything* to 3rd party clients. The blue bird? Twitterrific. The word "tweet"? Twitterrific. Mutes? Tweetbot/Twitterrific had them before Twitter itself. Hashtags? Community-made. Quotw tweets? Community-made. Such a dick move.
Eramdam | Thu Jan 19 22:28:43 +0000 2023
Eramdam | Thu Jan 19 22:34:10 +0000 2023
Eramdam | Thu Jan 19 22:34:10 +0000 2023
TweetDeck? Was a third-party client also, it got rewritten from scratch post-acquisition in 2011 but like, Twitter would have been NOTHING without the 3rd party devs who kickstarted so many aspects of it. No respect for what came before them, in classic Musk fashion.
Eramdam | Thu Jan 19 22:34:10 +0000 2023
Eramdam | Thu Jan 19 22:31:41 +0000 2023
Eramdam | Thu Jan 19 22:31:41 +0000 2023
Hell, the official iOS Twitter app is *still* called "Tweetie2" in the code. Tweetie was one of the best 3rd party clients and it invented pull to refresh. Twitter acquired it and for what? To treat devs like dirty laundry? So classless and cowardly.
Eramdam | Thu Jan 19 22:31:41 +0000 2023
Damien ✨ on Twitter
Damien ✨ on Twitter
TweetDeck? Was a third-party client also, it got rewritten from scratch post-acquisition in 2011 but like, Twitter would have been NOTHING without the 3rd party devs who kickstarted so many aspects of it. No respect for what came before them, in classic Musk fashion.
Damien ✨ on Twitter
Damien ✨ on Twitter
Damien ✨ on Twitter
Hell, the official iOS Twitter app is *still* called "Tweetie2" in the code. Tweetie was one of the best 3rd party clients and it invented pull to refresh. Twitter acquired it and for what? To treat devs like dirty laundry? So classless and cowardly.
Damien ✨ on Twitter
Damien ✨ on Twitter
Damien ✨ on Twitter
Twitter as a site and platform literally owes *everything* to 3rd party clients. The blue bird? Twitterrific. The word "tweet"? Twitterrific. Mutes? Tweetbot/Twitterrific had them before Twitter itself. Hashtags? Community-made. Quotw tweets? Community-made. Such a dick move.
Damien ✨ on Twitter
enelago | Sun Jan 15 16:40:04 +0000 2023
enelago | Sun Jan 15 16:40:04 +0000 2023
GitHub - MaximeBeasse/KeyDecoder: KeyDecoder app lets you use your smartphone or tablet to decode your mechanical keys in seconds.
enelago | Sun Jan 15 16:40:04 +0000 2023
weadhitter | Thu Jan 19 05:23:53 +0000 2023
weadhitter | Thu Jan 19 05:23:53 +0000 2023
the secret to "making it" in comedy is an easy one: drink and do cocaine until you unlock a secret Second Personality in your mind, let that guy take over for a couple years, then take control of your body back and go to Multiple Rehabs
weadhitter | Thu Jan 19 05:23:53 +0000 2023
levar burzum on Twitter
levar burzum on Twitter
the secret to "making it" in comedy is an easy one: drink and do cocaine until you unlock a secret Second Personality in your mind, let that guy take over for a couple years, then take control of your body back and go to Multiple Rehabs
levar burzum on Twitter
rosy ✨ on Twitter
rosy ✨ on Twitter
i just finished my first book of 2023 : ( i wanted more of it... sadge... now i have to find the next book to read
rosy ✨ on Twitter