mayb the reason we all feel like failed Gifted Children is cause the American High School Education system is a big joke— samantha 🦷 (@goblin_sorcerer) August 15, 2017
On twitter hiatus, byeHey I'm back for only a weekBack for only a dayBack only to show you this fucking sick model airplane I bought— jab frost 🔜 MAGFest (@jab50yen) August 15, 2017
fascists and neo nazis love to study european history because it was all mythologized even by the people who first cataloged it— samantha 🦷 (@goblin_sorcerer) August 15, 2017
god. i considered being a history major at one point but the prevalence of weirdly fascist fetishization of europe's history drove me away— samantha 🦷 (@goblin_sorcerer) August 15, 2017
the vast majority of primary sources from those times are blatantly fictionalized and any contradicting documents were usually destroyed— samantha 🦷 (@goblin_sorcerer) August 15, 2017