samantha 🦷 on Twitter
Mystic Pussy Champion— samantha 🦷 (@goblin_sorcerer) October 19, 2017
Ammnontet! on Twitter
welcome @FickleCrux— Ammnontet! (@ammnontet) October 19, 2017
samantha 🦷 on Twitter
Sacred Pussy Paladin— samantha 🦷 (@goblin_sorcerer) October 19, 2017
Ammnontet! on Twitter
welcome @FickleCrux— Ammnontet! (@ammnontet) October 19, 2017
Elizabeth Warren on Twitter
.@BetsyDeVosED has gone out of her way to give shady #4profit colleges everything on their wish list, even when it breaks the law.— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) October 18, 2017
#4profit hashtag on Twitter
On Dec 8 @TICAS_org tweeted: "Deceptive marketing, aggressive recruitm.." - read what others are saying and join the conversation.
George M Johnson on Twitter
An 8 year old was murdered by a grown ass man because he thought the boy was gay. Don’t you ever tell Lgbtq people they HAVE to be out.— George M Johnson (@IamGMJohnson) October 18, 2017
Secretary Betsy DeVos (@BetsyDeVosED)
The latest Tweets from Secretary Betsy DeVos (@BetsyDeVosED). 11th U.S. Secretary of Education. Proud mother, grandmother and wife. Lifelong advocate for children and better schools
Attitude Magazine on Twitter
Man 'tortured girlfriend's 8-year-old son to death because he thought he was gay':— Attitude Magazine (@AttitudeMag) October 18, 2017
George M Johnson on Twitter
“An 8 year old was murdered by a grown ass man because he thought the boy was gay. Don’t you ever tell Lgbtq people they HAVE to be out.”
amelia bedelia stan account on Twitter
snow especially at night and when its deep and seems like it muffles all sound and makes everything soft and fluffy— amelia bedelia stan account (@CIoveHitch) October 18, 2017
amelia bedelia stan account on Twitter
guess ill do this— amelia bedelia stan account (@CIoveHitch) October 18, 2017
amelia bedelia stan account on Twitter
snow especially at night and when its deep and seems like it muffles all sound and makes everything soft and fluffy— amelia bedelia stan account (@CIoveHitch) October 18, 2017
amelia bedelia stan account on Twitter
Motorsport Images on Twitter
Rubens Barrichello crosses the line to win the 2002 United States GP overtaking Michael Schumacher on the finish line by just 0.011 seconds— Motorsport Images (@MSI_Images) October 18, 2017
Motorsport Images on Twitter
“Rubens Barrichello crosses the line to win the 2002 United States GP overtaking Michael Schumacher on the finish line by just 0.011 seconds”
censusAmericans on Twitter
I live with my grandkids. I have a GED. I served during the Vietnam and Korean Era. I used to be on active duty. I am divorced.— censusAmericans (@censusAmericans) October 18, 2017
Manny Suazo on Twitter
some art school designs— Manny Suazo (@smokyburnout) October 18, 2017
Manny Suazo on Twitter
some art school designs— Manny Suazo (@smokyburnout) October 18, 2017
Manny Suazo on Twitter
aww this is about the accord in general and not specifically the Aerodeck— Manny Suazo (@smokyburnout) October 18, 2017
Manny Suazo on Twitter
aww this is about the accord in general and not specifically the Aerodeck— Manny Suazo (@smokyburnout) October 18, 2017