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HAAi on Twitter
HAAi on Twitter
4 weeks until ‘Baby, We’re Ascending’ is out! Have been so blown away by all the love and support on the album. Thank you so much 💖💖💖 @MuteUK
HAAi on Twitter
apex hern on Twitter
apex hern on Twitter
It is extremely funny that musk’s first big idea is so transparently based on his own incredibly weird experience of twitter. “Whenever I tweet, people write news articles about it. Therefore, there’s value on charging newspapers to write about tweets”
apex hern on Twitter
Samperson on Twitter
Samperson on Twitter
I feel like a lot of beginners ask how to get started when what they're really, deeply searching for is someone to give them permission.
Samperson on Twitter
jab on Twitter
jab on Twitter
@NeoYokel I actually read your review of it fairly recently and it made me wanna re-watch it soon lmao Haven't seen it since I was a teenager
jab on Twitter
Haggard Hawks 🦅 on Twitter
Haggard Hawks 🦅 on Twitter
Because it was adopted into English from French, the H in HUMBLE was originally silent, and the word was often spelled ‘umble’ in English until the mid 1500s.
Haggard Hawks 🦅 on Twitter
Matt Birchler on Twitter
Matt Birchler on Twitter
My nearly-decade-long hot take continues to be that rectangular smart watches look better and are more usable than circular ones.
Matt Birchler on Twitter
Why would I put on a video complaining about a movie (which I haven't seen and never will) that's literally longer than the movie in question? The answer is that I need a constant stream of other people's words entering my brain to stay halfway sane
Avery on Twitter
Avery on Twitter
@NeoYokel I have also heard great things about Fedora being super easy to update. I cannot confirm this but such a promise is exciting
Avery on Twitter
Avery on Twitter
Avery on Twitter
@NeoYokel I historically didn't like it because of Gnome but since Ubuntu also uses that I might as well get used to it sucking
Avery on Twitter