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I never understood buying lego sets of certain objects and like, putting them together according to the directions. I was always a freeform lego kid. Just give me a bunch of pieces and I wanna see what happens when I start sticking em together
Jack Lawrence on Twitter
Jack Lawrence on Twitter
It took me less than 25 minutes to set up a fake anonymous Apple ID using a VPN and disposable email, attach a masked debit card to it (with the address being Twitter's HQ), and get a verified account for a prominent figure. Just think what a nation-state or bad actor could do...
Jack Lawrence on Twitter
mvan231 on Twitter
mvan231 on Twitter
Recently found out a method to open an iOS Calendar Event via URL scheme. The scheme is: x-apple-calevent://{calendarUUID}/{eventUUID} This will open the calendar event directly similar to when you tap an event in the native Calendar widget.
mvan231 on Twitter
Federico Viticci on Twitter
Federico Viticci on Twitter
Here's a fun one for Shortcuts users on iPadOS 16.2 beta 2: Screenshots captured with the 'Take Screenshot' action are 1px bigger on both sides. This issue applies to both Default and More Space resolutions. Be mindful of that extra pixel if you have any image automations.
Federico Viticci on Twitter
Federico Viticci on Twitter
Federico Viticci on Twitter
Stage Manager for iPad is still so disruptive in so many ways for *the simplest* things. In this video: I want to type with the software keyboard in Discord. With Stage Manager, I can't see what I'm typing. We're in November now.
Federico Viticci on Twitter
Federico Viticci on Twitter
Federico Viticci on Twitter
One Stage Manager change in iPadOS 16.2 beta 2: you can disable recent apps and dock for both the iPad's screen *and* the external display separately. However, this setting does not work on my external display.
Federico Viticci on Twitter