JAYJAY on Twitter
"Pray for Florida"Florida:— JAYJAY (@JoaoEliasJacob) September 11, 2017
🎀🎠 Shizu 🎠🎀 on Twitter
bitch pileggi on Twitter
at first i thought you were talking about a hip new psychedelic drug— bitch pileggi (@microwavetofu) September 11, 2017
bitch pileggi on Twitter
hey if the concert starts at 8 and the doors open at 7, i should get there a week before, right— bitch pileggi (@microwavetofu) September 11, 2017
c0ra on Twitter
selfcare meant going and buying cds and records— c0ra (@Y2AOK) September 10, 2017
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c0ra on Twitter
thinking about how memes are a corpus that builds on itself endlessly and that prior knowledge is mostly needed— c0ra (@Y2AOK) September 10, 2017
c0ra on Twitter
the biggest part of transitioning for me was going from Cute to Hot— c0ra (@Y2AOK) September 11, 2017
c0ra on Twitter
here's my outfit for tonight— c0ra (@Y2AOK) September 11, 2017
bitch pileggi on Twitter
"have you had good relationships w the sound guys?""i've dated many sound guys but it never worked out" I LOVE MY DAD— bitch pileggi (@microwavetofu) September 11, 2017
c0ra on Twitter
here's my outfit for tonight— c0ra (@Y2AOK) September 11, 2017
c0ra on Twitter
i saw a license plate that said 'BIRDOS' today— c0ra (@Y2AOK) September 10, 2017
Haggard Hawks 🦅 on Twitter
VETGANS is a Dutch word for a penguin. It literally means ‘fat goose’.— Haggard Hawks 🦅 (@HaggardHawks) September 11, 2017
jaymz on Twitter
My beautiful girlfriend is whipping & nae nae nae nae nae nae nae nae nae nae nae nae nae nae nae nae nae nae nae nae nae nae nae nae nae na— jaymz (@ohgodhowdothis) September 11, 2017
rosier on Twitter— rosier (@4osier) September 10, 2017
rosier on Twitter— rosier (@4osier) September 10, 2017
bitch pileggi on Twitter
it's really upsetting that some older bands who still tour feel like they have to apologize for playing their new material— bitch pileggi (@microwavetofu) September 10, 2017
orgamecha on Twitter
i will change the sexual dynamics of the workplace— orgamecha (@orgamecha) September 10, 2017
lys0l (f+) on Twitter
"heated gaming moment"— lys0l (f+) (@cabbagebrains) September 10, 2017
Ian Miles Cheong @ on Twitter
Hey, can people stop freaking out over Pewdiepie saying the n-word in a heated gaming moment? Watch, there's gonna be 10 articles about it— Ian Miles Cheong @ (@stillgray) September 10, 2017
bitch pileggi on Twitter
*sips coffee*ah yes, another day of amazing tweets from me— bitch pileggi (@microwavetofu) September 10, 2017
ESPer ''Normal'' 99 on Twitter
no one should feel silly for identifying as a gender or a species or more than one person when most americans identify as future rich ppl— ESPer ''Normal'' 99 (@_ESPer99_) September 10, 2017