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FunnyJoke ComedyMan on Twitter
FunnyJoke ComedyMan on Twitter
this is gonna sound insane but i think i don't celebrate holiday or my birthday or anything because i don't understand celebration today is Sunday who cares but a lot of people seem to care i don't get it ??
FunnyJoke ComedyMan on Twitter
The Art Of Noise on Twitter
The Art Of Noise on Twitter
"An audio extravaganza, cutting up all manner of sounds and images and bombarding the audience" That's how today's edition of @thetimes describes next week's ART OF NOISE/REVISION/VJ SET shows at @TheJazzCafe, London. Ticket links below
The Art Of Noise on Twitter
Erin Somers on Twitter
Erin Somers on Twitter
Prompt tweets will be like β€œwhat are your favorite songs that are in the public domain? Need recs!” And people will respond β€œYankee Doodle!” w out a shred of irony
Erin Somers on Twitter
Jon Male on Twitter
Jon Male on Twitter
Morning folks. Added this to the library recently. It’s a very well written and illustrated parallel history of car and car advertising development between 1880 to 1970. There’s a whole chapter on FIAT too
Jon Male on Twitter
on Twitter
on Twitter
i worked on a project once where if any person in the lobby whatsoever either looked at water or broke a pane of glass it would crash every single person's kit
on Twitter
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Nicholas H Wolfinger on Twitter
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Nicholas H Wolfinger on Twitter
Postcard from San Francisco. At an event I attended last week they were checking vaccine status at the door. When someone didn’t have it, the greeter said: OK, who do you think won the 2020 election?
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Nicholas H Wolfinger on Twitter
Giuseppe Vaffanculo on Twitter
Giuseppe Vaffanculo on Twitter
Tonight on Chewing Water returns. It starts at 7pm EST and goes until 10pm EST. So come and join us.
Giuseppe Vaffanculo on Twitter