*Alexa pulls out blood plucker, gets sample*
"Alek, your blood is clean. You have high cholesterol. I'm prescribing-"”
Possible Game-Changer: ESPN Has Been Cryptically Advertising An Event It’s Calling ‘Horse Eruption’ All Week https://t.co/gjoY3hE2yG pic.twitter.com/cf76MMnavn— ClickHole (@ClickHole) October 23, 2017
this is bad and I am upset and getting drunk but the whole world knows I will never abandon my dearest nevermore. (ŌŌ(xxxÍxxx)ŌŌ)— David Blue ※ (𝙶 𝚄 𝚁 𝚄 𝙼𝙾𝙳𝙴) (@NeoYokel) October 22, 2017