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All I can say is my parents saw Donnie Moran win the first Eldora Million in person and back then they didn't have the technology to pay $12 a month to see Eldora live on my big screen from the comfort of my own home. Checkmate Floracing
Delia Cai on Twitter
Delia Cai on Twitter
(Journalists tweeting out other companies' internal drama) newsroom: haha yea!! Yes!! (Journalists tweeting out their own newsroom's internal drama) newsroom: what the fuck
Delia Cai on Twitter
beatstar on Twitter
beatstar on Twitter "The Art of the World Premiere" An article I rewrote from scratch, with the help of friends. Summarizes why we have World Premieres in award shows and covers a little of what we done in our own award show.
beatstar on Twitter
Jon Cohen on Twitter
Jon Cohen on Twitter
A comprehensive take on media coverage of the pandemic by @Jon_Allsop explores a lot of territory with interviews of many journalists (including me). I'm a fan of long reads with intensive graphics, but it you're not, well, you're forewarned.
Jon Cohen on Twitter