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Jason ➐ on Twitter
Jason ➐ on Twitter
I knew the post was about me but i still liked it cuz ima demon
Jason ➐ on Twitter
Zoe Bee 🐙 on Twitter
Zoe Bee 🐙 on Twitter
ok but like... where does that data come from???
Zoe Bee 🐙 on Twitter
Cass 🏰 on Twitter
Cass 🏰 on Twitter
@prettyboynavi If I was a police sketch artist I wouldn't listen to the victim. I'd draw a majestic gay dragon then flip it over and be all, "Is this him."
Cass 🏰 on Twitter
Federico Viticci on Twitter
Federico Viticci on Twitter
Coming this week: The winners of @AutomationApril 2022. Let's do this. 🏆
Federico Viticci on Twitter
イーサン on Twitter
イーサン on Twitter
@NeoYokel some of these subreddits need to be able to remove the downvote button it's not fair to have a couple people take you out of a conversation
イーサン on Twitter
Avery on Twitter
Avery on Twitter
@NeoYokel That applies to most Apple-centric forums actually
Avery on Twitter
[abap] Xenolalia@SawCon on Twitter
[abap] Xenolalia@SawCon on Twitter
awesome how Putin wants to take credit for every Soviet accomplishment but then constantly praises decommunization
[abap] Xenolalia@SawCon on Twitter
Federico Viticci on Twitter
Federico Viticci on Twitter
It's that time of the year again. This week on @appstoriesnet: Our iOS 16 wishes.
Federico Viticci on Twitter
ryan dell on Twitter
ryan dell on Twitter
Its so insane that the poster for this movie is just steve carell staring at a womans pussy
ryan dell on Twitter
Bruno Philipe on Twitter
Bruno Philipe on Twitter
I went to the beach today to watch the sunset and it did not disappoint.
Bruno Philipe on Twitter
Jon Male on Twitter
Jon Male on Twitter
Coincidentally, both my children spotted Ferraris yesterday. This was Alice’s contribution.
Jon Male on Twitter
Tetrahedron on Twitter
Tetrahedron on Twitter
very depressing to see the complete lack of media literacy amongst the general population. people had their childhood sold back to them so many times that emotionally stunted adults is a byproduct. grown-up babies are easier to manipulate by corporate interests. its quite bleak.
Tetrahedron on Twitter
jab! on Twitter
jab! on Twitter
It's this shit all over again I'm so tired
jab! on Twitter
samantha on Twitter
samantha on Twitter
today i made a random name generator in python please clap
samantha on Twitter
Haggard Hawks 🦅 on Twitter
Haggard Hawks 🦅 on Twitter
The fine network of cracks on the surface of a painting is called the CRAQUELURE.
Haggard Hawks 🦅 on Twitter
couch 🛋 on Twitter
couch 🛋 on Twitter
just yanked out a massive tonsil stone, no pic
couch 🛋 on Twitter
couch 🛋 on Twitter
couch 🛋 on Twitter
being on facetime is just Matthew Typing Asmr
couch 🛋 on Twitter
Greg Pierce on Twitter
Greg Pierce on Twitter
My wife is an excellent photographer.
Greg Pierce on Twitter
mart on Twitter
mart on Twitter
mart on Twitter