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Sarah Allen Reed on Twitter
Sarah Allen Reed on Twitter
Bro this is how Missouri paid for our educational system and if you wanna know how that ended up just look at how fucked up I turned out
Sarah Allen Reed on Twitter
Sarah Allen Reed on Twitter
Sarah Allen Reed on Twitter
15 minutes till the program starts on @datafruits. Here's our track list. And yes, your kidney money's going towards paying for my titty skittles. Grab your shitty malt liquor and join the chat:
Sarah Allen Reed on Twitter
Sarah Allen Reed on Twitter
Sarah Allen Reed on Twitter
You heard the lady. The Jazz Program is back on the air in two hours on @datafruits. Show starts at 9 PM MST (11 EST/8 PST). Tune in or we take your kidneys and use them to buy out-of-print Keith Jarrett records and estrogen pills. Or Four Loko. I haven't decided yet.
Sarah Allen Reed on Twitter
unicode_garden on Twitter
unicode_garden on Twitter
โทžโ˜€ โ˜€ใ€ฝ๏ธŽโ€‚โ˜€โ˜€โ˜€โ˜€ษญโ˜€ใ€€ใ€€ โ€ƒโ†“ใ€€โ˜€โ˜€โ˜€โ˜€โ˜€โ˜€เฅงใ€€รŒโ˜€โ˜€ โ€ƒโ€ƒโ˜€โ˜€ใ€€โ††โ€‚โ˜€ษญีโ˜€โ˜€โ˜€ใ€€ โ‡‚โ˜€ใ€€โ˜€โ˜€โ˜€ โ˜€ไบ…โ˜€โ˜€โ†กโ˜€โ‡Š โ˜€โ˜€โ˜€โ˜€โ˜€โ˜€ โ†กโ˜€ ใ€€โ˜€โ˜€โ˜€ โŸโ€ƒโ†ท โ˜€โ˜€โ˜€ษฟโ˜€ษฟโ††โ˜€โ˜€โ˜€โ˜€ โ€ƒโŸ โ˜€โ˜€โท˜โถจโ˜€ใ€€ใ€€โ˜€โ˜€ โ˜€โ˜€โ˜€โ†ท ษฟโ˜€ ไธฟโ˜€โถ–โ˜€โ‡‚ไธฟ โ€ƒโ†ทษฟโ˜€
unicode_garden on Twitter
Kai on Twitter
Kai on Twitter
@friendshapedcar The Subaru Brat and the friend shaped hatch, the Subaru Justy
Kai on Twitter