almost certainly that kid who rushed the stage was doing some weird antisemitic conspiracy shit! I am not going to be making jokes about it. if you are doing so i'm judging you. well bye
YES – Apple is launching a karaoke mode for Apple Music called 'Sing'. I've always wanted this in a music streaming service, and Apple Music has the best real-time lyrics experience of all. I absolutely cannot wait for this. 😍
We are creating a curated 💅 and opinionated list of amazing ✨ Sphinx extensions that we want to make more visible for our users. Each of them has a small page with a live usage example and a pretty minimal configuration ⚙️ setup. Check them out at 🔗!
I'm proud that Bryan agreed to edit my first book PRETENTIOUS RECORD STORE GUY. His sage advice and stewardship helped shape my first book into something better than I hoped it would be.
If you were to write out the full name of every number in the standard English counting system—ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR…—you wouldn’t use a single letter C until you arrived at ONE OCTILLION.