

ross on Twitter
ross on Twitter
twitter has given me invaluable experiences with artists i would otherwise never talk to, and they would otherwise never find my work. if this does go down, i'm @ soaroz everywhere and i will be updating my website with my portfolio and all links to my socials
ross on Twitter
Matt Birchler on Twitter
Matt Birchler on Twitter
I find it very funny that I’ve been able to say literally anything I wanted and link to anything on Twitter for 15 years, but Elon takes over and I’m blocked nearly immediately. I knew he was a jerk but I didn’t think he was a coward too 🤷🏻‍♂️
Matt Birchler on Twitter
Sebastián Martínez Valdivia on Twitter
Sebastián Martínez Valdivia on Twitter
It's not every day an All Things Considered host stops by our journalism school, and it's even rarer for them to be alums of our very own public radio station. Great conversation so far!
Sebastián Martínez Valdivia on Twitter
الكسندرا ميراي on Twitter
الكسندرا ميراي on Twitter
You can tell white people don't pay attention to anything we say, because they're all joyfully celebrating the crypto crash, despite the fact that we are on here every day screaming that there are places in the world where people only eat because they have some Bitcoin
الكسندرا ميراي on Twitter
unicode_garden on Twitter
unicode_garden on Twitter
冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫 冫冫冫冫  冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫     冫冫 冫冫 冫冫 冫冫冫     冫冫 冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫  冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫  冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫 冫  冫冫 冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫 冫冫冫冫 冫冫冫冫  冫冫冫
unicode_garden on Twitter
keifa🌍🌞ra on Twitter
keifa🌍🌞ra on Twitter
i finally turned off images on the computer, its cool. i can now read the stuff you guys are saying entirely based on the words (laughs)
keifa🌍🌞ra on Twitter