

Wooji Juice on Twitter
Wooji Juice on Twitter
Ferrite 3 is coming soon! Ferrite 3 is a major update to the popular iOS podcasting app, with a refreshed look, and it brings some of the most requested features β€” including 2Γ— audio preview, and new tools for organising your Library.
Wooji Juice on Twitter
badidea πŸͺ on Twitter
badidea πŸͺ on Twitter
when very rich people tell you that they work a hundred hours a week or something absurd like that you need to understand they’re counting all the time they spend socializing with other rich people as work
badidea πŸͺ on Twitter
JackMLawrence | Wed Nov 09 23:03:29 +0000 2022
JackMLawrence | Wed Nov 09 23:03:29 +0000 2022
It took me less than 25 minutes to set up a fake anonymous Apple ID using a VPN and disposable email, attach a masked debit card to it (with the address being Twitter's HQ), and get a verified account for a prominent figure. Just think what a nation-state or bad actor could do...
JackMLawrence | Wed Nov 09 23:03:29 +0000 2022
kaliiibratiiion | Thu Nov 10 08:49:42 +0000 2022
kaliiibratiiion | Thu Nov 10 08:49:42 +0000 2022
I never understood buying lego sets of certain objects and like, putting them together according to the directions. I was always a freeform lego kid. Just give me a bunch of pieces and I wanna see what happens when I start sticking em together
kaliiibratiiion | Thu Nov 10 08:49:42 +0000 2022
Eramdam | Thu Nov 10 10:06:20 +0000 2022
Eramdam | Thu Nov 10 10:06:20 +0000 2022
Richest guy and stable genius has no clue that basically no business makes so much revenue from subscriptions alone. He's really speedrunning bankruptcy, is he
Eramdam | Thu Nov 10 10:06:20 +0000 2022