i have to work all day with someone I don't know bc we are both on "light duty" (I'm FINE) when this is the last week one of my crew members is here im so annoyed especially bc it's Just Some Guy
A byline that brings a big smile to my face. Excited for all @theinformation subscribers to hear from the great @mvpeers again! https://t.co/LjT8e6VMOX
A byline that brings a big smile to my face. Excited for all @theinformation subscribers to hear from the great @mvpeers again! https://t.co/LjT8e6VMOX
Well, after a rousing visit to the Museum of Transportation, I have dropped Nate off at Lambert and IndyCar Weekend in St. Louis has officially come to a close. Nothing like a Monday spent looking at trains. https://t.co/itW3GFAObs
my loyalty is always going to be to the Girls who have braved the hell of local diy organizing and play brilliant worldbuilding sets to 5-10 ppl on their phones in dilapidated basements for $50 and a few free white claws for the love of music. thats who i want to see win
Snippets Studio is finally in beta thanks to everyone in the iOS dev community! Without your help, this would have been way harder to accomplish. Looking at you @twostraws, @mecid, and more! 100 Days of Swift and SwiftUI certainly helped a TON and Majid's blog posts. 😁 https://t.co/QlYeur8DPo