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AppleEDU | Sat Aug 27 04:02:00 +0000 2022
AppleEDU | Sat Aug 27 04:02:00 +0000 2022
New school year, new hub for professional learning… Introducing the #AppleEduCommunity. 🎉 Find ideas and resources, connect and share with educators that inspire you, and make learning more meaningful for all your students.
AppleEDU | Sat Aug 27 04:02:00 +0000 2022
Mentha on Twitter
Mentha on Twitter
Just got a call from Twitter, they basically said they're really scared of me and that they're letting me post anything I want from now on
Mentha on Twitter
Imran Ahmed on Twitter
Imran Ahmed on Twitter
@AliNadir_ @DalrympleWill @tweeter_anita Thanks for pointing ☝️ Riveted by @DalrympleWill - wonderful storytelling!
Imran Ahmed on Twitter
Chiki Sarkar on Twitter
Chiki Sarkar on Twitter
Absolutely gripped by the empire podcast by @DalrympleWill and @tweeter_anita - it’s a gripping narrative, told with great human detail by William d and brilliantly and astutely steered and commented on by anita a. Highly recommended
Chiki Sarkar on Twitter
gbrl_dick | Sat Aug 27 07:58:02 +0000 2022
gbrl_dick | Sat Aug 27 07:58:02 +0000 2022
mfw watching the paediatric surgeon in front of me in the line with a porsche key fob in his hand scan like 4 steaks as one while i get ready to select the right pear variety so i don’t accidentally pay 30c less per kilo
gbrl_dick | Sat Aug 27 07:58:02 +0000 2022