

Custom sorting
Avery on Twitter
Avery on Twitter
Cool but the stability of Explorer decreases heavily with tabs. Ok maybe it's just memory leaks but still
Avery on Twitter
echoesremained | Thu Aug 11 11:29:33 +0000 2022
echoesremained | Thu Aug 11 11:29:33 +0000 2022
Cool but the stability of Explorer decreases heavily with tabs. Ok maybe it's just memory leaks but still
echoesremained | Thu Aug 11 11:29:33 +0000 2022
Virgy on Twitter
Virgy on Twitter
was Leonardo da Vinci WOKE?!?!
Virgy on Twitter
mvan231 on Twitter
mvan231 on Twitter
Anyone else still seeing tons of share sheet issues in 16.0 DB4? #iosbeta - FB10511792 Share Sheet sometimes becomes unresponsive and shortcuts in the share sheet don't load - FB10596445 When selecting PDF as the file type in Safari, the share sheet becomes blank
mvan231 on Twitter
mvan231 | Mon Aug 08 12:55:35 +0000 2022
mvan231 | Mon Aug 08 12:55:35 +0000 2022
Anyone else still seeing tons of share sheet issues in 16.0 DB4? #iosbeta - FB10511792 Share Sheet sometimes becomes unresponsive and shortcuts in the share sheet don't load - FB10596445 When selecting PDF as the file type in Safari, the share sheet becomes blank
mvan231 | Mon Aug 08 12:55:35 +0000 2022
Zovi on Twitter
Zovi on Twitter
Making confusing music
Zovi on Twitter
Tom Bot on Twitter
Tom Bot on Twitter
This is good. Interesting thread on the position, it comes down to these skills ….
Tom Bot on Twitter
jab on Twitter
jab on Twitter
Oh nooooo
jab on Twitter
JamKam on Twitter
JamKam on Twitter
DJ Moth landed on my controller
JamKam on Twitter
jab on Twitter
jab on Twitter
Never thought I'd see Shin Megami Tensei and Casual in the same place
jab on Twitter
on Twitter
on Twitter
Steam fucking sucks i changed my mind
on Twitter
jab on Twitter
jab on Twitter
Let a bunch of people make me feel bad for still liking this album years later but fuck all of them this was such a fun monumental album that challenged a lot of people's idea of what can be music. Lot's of great fan content that came out of it too.
jab on Twitter
chris on Twitter
chris on Twitter
now that everyone carries a flashlight everywhere, it's easy to never see in the dark. that's a shame. there's a certain kind of beauty that you can only find deep in the woods at the dead of night, and to find it, you need to let your eyes adjust.
chris on Twitter
Tevin on Twitter
Tevin on Twitter
The Late Night Grind I am ADDICTED
Tevin on Twitter
unicode_garden on Twitter
unicode_garden on Twitter
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unicode_garden on Twitter
Avery on Twitter
Avery on Twitter
longing for the day that verified accounts cannot tweet anymore
Avery on Twitter