
Bitstream vera sans mono
Aurulent sans mono
Anonymous pro
0x proto
An innovative superfamily of fonts for code
Letterform Archive
Explore Letterform Archive’s 1,995 photos on Flickr!
FT Regola Neue – Formula Type
Fonts in use · Klim Type Foundry
See Klim fonts in use by the world’s best designers.
Introducing Fontinator
Install & organize your custom fonts.
Mānuka Condensed fonts · Klim Type Foundry
Commercial Type » Catalog » Publico Collection
Heldane Text fonts · Klim Type Foundry
Heldane Text is a Renaissance inspired serif for modern typography. Test the free fonts, see them in use, read about their design and buy for Desktop, Web & App.
Aperçu — Colophon Foundry
Aperçu was started in December 2009, and was tried & tested throughout a number of design commissions. The conceit behind Aperçu was to create a synopsis or amalgamation of classic realist typefaces: Johnston, Gill Sans, Neuzeit & Franklin Gothic
SF Font Expanded, Condensed, and Compressed: Three New font width styles in iOS 16 | Sarunw
In iOS 16, Apple introduces three new width styles to the SF font family. Let's see what they look like and how to use them.
Pimp my Type
Learn how to use the power of typography and show the full potential of web, app or digital product design. This channel is by me, Oliver Schöndorfer, user interface designer and typographer. In love with letters and very emotional about spacing characters. 🎬 A new video every month on the second Tuesday! If you need more now: 📰 Check out my typography articles 💌 Weekly font recommendations in the newsletter
Pimp my Type is teaching about digital typography
Empowering developers and designers to get their message better across, by improving their websites, and products with pimped typography.
Oliver Schöndorfer 🇺🇦 (@glyphe) / Twitter
The intended Wordle Font, nobody can see - Pimp my Type
The number one mistake in web typography is not providing the font files. This might have happened with Wordle, too. See how it would look better with the intended typeface, and how you can have that superior typographic experience as well.
Tame that Font Size – Typographic Review Call with Veronica Fossa - Pimp my Type
A live call in which I review the typography of a food experience designer’s website. I cover some issues with font sizes, a little CSS, and how to improve the spacing of the headings of the blog section.
Classifying & Pairing Typefaces with Indra Kupferschmid - Pimp my Type
Indra Kupferschmid joins me to discuss categorizing typefaces, for whom it is helpful, and how to use her way of describing at typefaces to make better decision in pairing type.
Serif Fonts in UI Design with José Scaglione from TypeTogether - Pimp my Type
Today, for the first time with a guest, I’m joined by wonderful José Scaglione. He is a type designer, lecturer, and co-founder of the high renown foundry TypeTogether, which is behind popular typefaces like Bree or Adelle. They worked with top brands, like Apple and Google, where they also contributed serif typefaces for screen rendering.
sans-serif Archives - Pimp my Type
free font Archives - Pimp my Type
Premium Services - Pimp my Type
You or your team faces a typographic challenge? I’m happy to help! Pairing Typefaces Learn how to create great font pairs, without the guessing, in just three days. Online Course Coaching Call Get expert advice quick to your specific typographic problem. 1:1 Coaching Call Type Audit Gain clarity and assurance with an in-depth expert review … Weiterlesen