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MacBook Air M1 review: Windows laptops are so screwed
MacBook Air M1 review: Windows laptops are so screwed
The hype is real for Apple's M1 chip. It doesn't feel like Apple's entry-level MacBook Air is capable of all this power and battery life. Yet it is. Windows laptops are going to be eating MacBook dust for years after this.
MacBook Air M1 review: Windows laptops are so screwed
Issue with UIKeyboardDidChangeFrameNotification: not receiving notification sometimes [APPLE DEV FORUMS]
Issue with UIKeyboardDidChangeFrameNotification: not receiving notification sometimes [APPLE DEV FORUMS]
Thu, 02 Sep 2021 06:12:46 GMT JayZhang Hello, I am developing a custom keyboard. Our team have been having trouble with the UIKeyboardDidChangeFrameNotification. I am looking for some help. My keyboard extension changes its height when certain functions are triggered by the user. However, the hosting app do not always get the UIKeyboardDidChangeFrameNotification on keyboard height changes, which causes layout problems in the host. My setup is: Xcode 12.5.1, iOS 14.2 on iPhone 12 mini. I debugged with a UITextField in a dummy application. The problem can be reproduced with the following steps: Launch the keyboard in the dummy app. ...
Issue with UIKeyboardDidChangeFrameNotification: not receiving notification sometimes [APPLE DEV FORUMS]
Keyboard is not with the correct theme that I have selected [APPLE DEV FORUMS]
Keyboard is not with the correct theme that I have selected [APPLE DEV FORUMS]
Sun, 29 Aug 2021 08:25:54 GMT jmcarralerom Hi team, some time ago I noticed that the theme of my keyboard is not persistent during the ussage of it, I can see that error/bug when we share a screenshot/recording. you can see that in the attached video: here you can see more information about me: Regards,
Keyboard is not with the correct theme that I have selected [APPLE DEV FORUMS]