The Mac OS X Server Admin: SVN, Apache and Snow Leopard Server: A Battle

5G Blacklist 2013 : Perishable Press
Jeff Starr's 5G Blacklist 2013 is a simple, flexible blacklist that checks all URI requests against a series of carefully constructed directives. It works well with WordPress, helping conserve bandwidth and server resources while protecting against malicious activity.
Introduction To URL Rewriting
10+ .Htaccess Snippets To Optimize Your Website
Eight Ways to Blacklist with Apache's mod_rewrite • Perishable Press
Eight of the most commonly employed blacklisting methods achieved with Apache’s rewrite module
X-UA-Compatible and HTML5 | 456 Berea Street
How to fix the validation error
.htaccess at master from paulirish's html5-boilerplate - GitHub
A must have - awesome
301 Redirect Cheatsheet
Useful examples of redirects
10 Mod Rewrite Rules You Should Know
A few simple rewrites
Several mod_rewrite Tricks for a Better Web Application
Apache's .htaccess file options makes it easy to have clean URLs, smart redirects, and even control SSL connections. In this post, I am going to give you several tips on how you make your web applications smarter. Note that your server must support mod_rewrite in order to use these tips.