Snazzy Maps - Free Styles for Google Maps
SVG Gradient Background Maker
The ultimate CSS tools for web designers | CSSmatic
Gradient generator, border radius, noise and box shadow
24 ways: Front-end Style Guides
Links to Style Guides
Typeplate » A typographic starter kit encouraging great type on the Web
A neat typographic starter kit
❍ IcoMoon
Custom built and crisp icon fonts, done right
Responsive Design : Le guide de référence pour les SEOs
Web Design réactif Article traduit de : Responsive Web Design: The Ultimate Guide for Online Marketers
National LGBT Museum
Inspirational website
The Responsive Designer
United Pixelworkers — Welcome
Beautiful responsive web design
25 Beautiful Responsive Web Design Examples for Inspiration
Food for thought and for your next presentation
Creating Single Element iPhone using CSS3 | CSSDeck
On the amazing use of box-shadow
Humans TXT: We Are People, Not Machines.
We Are People, Not Machines
Golden Grid System
Four features Columns, gutters, a baseline and a script.
The Grid System
The grid system is an aid, not a guarantee. It permits a number of possible uses and each designer can look for a solution appropriate to his personal style. But one must learn how to use the grid; it is an art that requires practice.
Modular Grid Pattern
Useful web app to generate a grid pattern
Responsive Web Design Sketch Sheets | MightyMeta
I’ve made some printable sheets for wireframing for responsive layouts, with corresponding Photoshop templates. | Pixel Perfect Responsive Design Testing Tool
A Richer Canvas | Mark Boulton
20 Inspiring Minimalist Web Designs
When Visitors Print — About That Print Stylesheet
45 jQuery Plugins And Tutorials To Enhance Your Forms
Best Collection of Useful CSS Tools for Developers
25 Examples of Footers in Web Design
Techniques For Gracefully Degrading Media Queries
Responsive Web Design: Helpful Articles, Techniques & Tutorials
Responsive HTML images
Giving "Responsive HTML images" a go
Adactio: Journal—Sea change
Responsive design
Type study: Typographic hierarchy « The Typekit Blog
Inspirational article on typographic hierarchy