— A simple tool to help identify which media queries your device responds to.

Free Mobile Performance Testing with Akamai's Mobitest
Test your website performance on a mobile device
min-device-pixel-ratio test
What’s your device’s min-device-pixel-ratio?
Responsive Design : Le guide de référence pour les SEOs
Web Design réactif Article traduit de : Responsive Web Design: The Ultimate Guide for Online Marketers
The Responsive Designer
Mobile Emulators and Simulators - The ultimate guide to mobile developers | Breaking the Mobile Web
Links to all the available mobile emulators!
This Is Responsive | Tips, Resources and Patterns for Responsive Web Design
Patterns, resources and news for creating responsive web experiences
Apple’s 27 Guidelines for Mobile User Experience Design
It’s Curtains for Marital Strife Thanks to getUserMedia | Pixel Perfect Responsive Design Testing Tool
Media Query & Asset Downloading Results
How To Install And Run Android 4.0 On Mac, Windows PC Or Linux [Tutorial]
The Developer's Friend: 400 Glyph Set
Ville Vivante
The mobile phone has rapidly become a very essential tool, that we carry with us all the time, everywhere we go. It has become the focus of our communication and information in a hyper-connected world, which tolerates less and less that we disconnect or just don't have immediate access to information. Based on this conclusion the City of Geneva decided to take the challenge to visualize these digital traces created by our mobile phones. The objective of this installation is to make this data visible and allow you to explore these streams of connected people around the city, in their everyday life.
Links Don’t Open Apps « Cloud Four
Where are the Mobile First Responsive Web Designs? « Cloud Four
Why I Hate Android
First, Understand Your Screen
Responsible responsive images
8 Popular online apps to test the mobile version of your site
Freebie: Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin Flexslider
Techniques For Gracefully Degrading Media Queries
Responsive Web Design: Helpful Articles, Techniques & Tutorials
Anatomy of a HTML5 Mobile App
Sencha Touch The First HTML5 Mobile App Framework
A Beautiful Boilerplate for Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Development
WebKit Remote Debugging
This is neat :) "WebKit Remote Debugging" via @Ziteapp
The Growth of Mobile Marketing and Tagging
Adactio: Journal—Sea change
Responsive design
Mobile HTML5 Boilerplate