Responsive embeds

Installing Tomcat 6 on CentOS 5 - @wavded
CSS Sprites for the Modern Era: Refined, Animated, and Semantic
Editing tips for designers
Writing makes up better thinkers. I enjoyed @cennydd's excellent blog post "Editing tips for designers"
3+ Ways to Preload Images Using CSS, JavaScript, or Ajax • Perishable Press
When Visitors Print — About That Print Stylesheet
Anatomy of a HTML5 Mobile App
Perfectly Rotate and Mask Thumbnails With CSS3
Serial Serveur » Lion DiskMaker (US)
For those wary about using Disk Utilities
Responsive HTML images
Giving "Responsive HTML images" a go
Setting up PHP & MySQL on OS X 10.7 Lion – Rob Allen's DevNotes
Make a backup copy of the MacBook Air USB Software Reinstall Drive
Make a Bootable Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Installer from a USB Flash Drive
Your Kindle Tips: Amazon Kindle tips & tricks, hacks and awesome free stuff worth sharing!
Getting Familiar with the Flexible Box Layout Model
Getting Familiar with the Flexible Box Layout Model
Show Off With | Think Vitamin
Show Off With | Think Vitamin
Disabling Adobe Application Manager automatic updates for CS5 applications for system administrators
How to disable CS5 automatique updates
Twitter en ligne de commande (même avec oAuth)
Might come in handy
Daring Fireball: Going Flash-Free on Mac OS X, and How to Cheat When You Need It
Uninstall Flash on your Mac and save battery life
Cook a Steak - Wired How-To Wiki
Safari Reference Library
The Safari Reference Library provides detailed information for web developers on iPhone, iPod touch, Mac, and PC. These resources include guides and articles, API reference documents, sample code, release notes, and technical notes. Use these resources to learn about Safari's developer tools, visual effects, HTML and CSS support, JavaScript and DOM support, and other features and technologies. The library is organized by Topics and Resource Types
Integrate SexyBookmarks into any HTML page with JavaScript
YA ShareIt javascript toolbar for social bookmarking
Let’s Take This Offline - Dive Into HTML 5
In depth HTML5 storage - excellent as usual
Supersize that Background, Please!
Good use of background cover property and @media queries
How to Downgrade Your iPhone 3G[S] from iOS 4 to iOS 3.1.3
RecBoot is the trick.
Blog | Graphicpeel — iOS Icons Made in Pure CSS
Optimiser son application web pour iPhone ou iPod Touch
Good summary of principal tips to start off with
301 Redirect Cheatsheet
Useful examples of redirects