Responsive Web Design, most complete guide
25+ Latest jQuery Plugins
Generate a cross-browser spinner in CSS
5 Awesome Responsive jQuery Sliders and Image Galleries
Freebie: Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin Flexslider
Pop From Top Notification
15 useful jQuery Plugins for your next Web Project
10+ Google Map Javascript Resources to Kick Start Your Mapping Skill | Queness
Take a look at these if you're new at GMaps. ”10+ Google Map Javascript Resources to Kick Start Your Mapping Skill”
Twitter Bootstrap
When Visitors Print — About That Print Stylesheet
45 jQuery Plugins And Tutorials To Enhance Your Forms
mattkersley/Responsive-Menu - GitHub
Turns any or into a for mobiles and low browser sizes
Media Queries / Dynamic resolution dependent layouts : jQuery
The script adds basic Media-Query-Support (min-width and max-width in px units ) to the browsers (IE8 and older)
Now You See Me
Polaroid Photobar Gallery with jQuery
Image Cross Fade Transition with jQuery
Fade one image into another @rem
jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts
Great site for webdesigners using jQuery
jQuery UI Development & Planning Wiki / Essential Controls List
jQuery Plugins Toolbox
List of jQuery plugins
jQuery Masonry
An interesting plugin for jQuery. Masonry arranges elements vertically then horizontally according to a grid.
TextMate Bundle for jQTouch : Jonathan Stark
AjQuery plugin for mobile web development on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and other forward-thinking devices.
15 Amazing jQuery Image Gallery/Slideshow Plugins and Tutorials
Links to existing packages
Edit In Place Plugin For jQuery