

ANGEL Tips & Techniques
ANGEL Tips & Techniques
A Javascript based glossary tool (used in an LMS). Basic, but requires markup of the glossary terms - this might be an issue for existing docs when you add terms to the glossary at a later stage.
ANGEL Tips & Techniques
CSS Unworking Group | Malarkey Rides Again
CSS Unworking Group | Malarkey Rides Again
Andy calls on the chairman of the CSS Working Group, and those higher up within the W3C including Sir Tim Berners Lee, to immediately disband the CSS Working Group in its current form
CSS Unworking Group | Malarkey Rides Again
Rivers and Tides
Rivers and Tides
The film on Andy Goldsworthy - stunning emotions and amazing beauty
Rivers and Tides
Andy Goldsworthy
Andy Goldsworthy
British sculptor, photographer who produces site-specific sculpture and land art situated in natural and urban settings. Incredible. Check out the "Rivers & Tides" documentary. Stunning.
Andy Goldsworthy
More about typography and fonts
陳 Jon Tan
陳 Jon Tan
Nice layout and typography
陳 Jon Tan
Best of CSS Design 2007
Best of CSS Design 2007
A list of 50 websites hand-picked from Best Web Gallery.
Best of CSS Design 2007
JSLint, The JavaScript Verifier
JSLint, The JavaScript Verifier
A must have. A must use. Frightening. I didn't know I wrote so much bad code..
JSLint, The JavaScript Verifier
Tu connaissais les néons à LED?
Rejected iPod Engravings
Rejected iPod Engravings
Not everything gets engraved - list of refused and funny messages
Rejected iPod Engravings
Internet Explorer for Mac w/o Windows
Zip Quick Look Plugin
Zip Quick Look Plugin
Faboulus QuickLook plugin for the Finder: Zip.qlgenerator shows archived file list in Quick Look
Zip Quick Look Plugin
TinyURL AppleScript for Safari
TinyURL AppleScript for Safari
Short AppleScript to take the frontmost URL from Safari, pass it to Metamark, and put the resulting short URL on the clipboard, ready for pasting.
TinyURL AppleScript for Safari
Understanding Web Design
Understanding Web Design
Excellent article from Zeldman on ALA: "Web design is the creation of digital environments that facilitate and encourage human activity; reflect or adapt to individual voices and content; and change gracefully over time while always retaining their identi
Understanding Web Design
MobileSafari ViewS //
MobileSafari ViewS //
Shaun Inman iterates on Anthony Piraino's aforementioned iSource, adding the ability to create a JavaScript bookmark for push-button source viewing in MobileSafari.
MobileSafari ViewS //
Peepcode screencasts
Peepcode screencasts
Cool screencasts - buy 10, get 1 free
Peepcode screencasts