Favicon Cheatsheet

Barley: The web editor for everyone.
An alternative to Squarespace
NProgress: slim progress bars in JavaScript
Nice progress bar implementation
Welcome to Cloud.typography | Webfonts by H&FJ
MQtest.io — A simple tool to help identify which media queries your device responds to.
The Pastry Box Project | 3 June 2013, baked by Oli Studholme
An Introduction to CSS3 Transitions - CSS3 . Info
Useful info on CSS Transitions
Alexander Brevig : The //* /*/ //*/ comment toggle trick
21 Most Wanted WordPress Admin Page Hacks | InstantShift
List of WordPress ressources and tools
Profound Grid | A grid system for fixed and fluid layouts
Another take on grids
SVG Gradient Background Maker
Magnific Popup: Responsive jQuery Lightbox Plugin
The ultimate CSS tools for web designers | CSSmatic
Gradient generator, border radius, noise and box shadow
Responsive Inspector
Beautiful dashboard gauges for the sophisticated developer.
More JavaScript Gauges
jgauge - jGauge is a dial gauge that is simple, powerful, and 100% javascript and css. - Google Project Hosting
JavaScript based analog gauge
Cool JavaScript gauges (SVG)
Vitra | Living
Upgrading Your Google Maps JavaScript Application To v3 - Google Maps API — Google Developers
Quite a lot has changed between v2 and v3 of the Google Maps JavaScript API. As you start working with the new API, you will quickly find that this is not simply an incremental upgrade. The good news is that we've added a lot of great new features and improved the overall usability of the API from the developers standpoint. The bad news is that upgrading to v3 will require rewriting some of your code. If you're planning to upgrade from the Google Maps JavaScript API v2 to the Google Maps JavaScript API v3, this guide will help you through the process, and call out some of the most common changes for users of the v2 API.
geuis/helium-css · GitHub
Helium is a tool for discovering unused CSS across many pages on a web site
URLs are for People, not Computers | Not Implemented
Genetic Testing for Health, Disease & Ancestry; DNA Test - 23andMe
24 ways: Front-end Style Guides
Links to Style Guides
jQuery - YUI 3 Rosetta Stone
Very useful when scripting for Squarespace
“Like”-able Content: Spread Your Message with Third-Party Metadata · An A List Apart Article
How to add meta-data to improve the apperance on Twitter/Facebook
Typeplate » A typographic starter kit encouraging great type on the Web
A neat typographic starter kit
WordPress-i18n - Revision 21513: /
The WordPress Language File Repository stores language packs for over 70 languages
❍ IcoMoon
Custom built and crisp icon fonts, done right
Oticons · Styleguide
GitHub icons are font icons, using a custom Octicons font face