CSS Techniques for Retina Displays
apple-itunes-app Meta Tag
David | Anthropology Unit
It's going to be a long day… (@ Unité d'Anthropologie)
Organising the conference logistics
David | Museum Tinguely
David Roessli on Instagram: "Edgar Degas. Impressive exhibition. Don't miss it."
Edgar Degas. Impressive exhibition. Don't miss it. @ Beyeler Foundation http://t.co/QI6ohJbM
David | Fondation Beyeler
Going for breakfast
David | Restaurant "Zum Schmale Wurf"
I'm at Zum Schmale Wurf (Basel, BS) http://t.co/CZZLpci7
David | Der Teufelhof Basel
Keeping Safari a secret
Great story: «Keeping Safari a secret» by @donmelton http://t.co/wezaqBWk
Turn on Tune in Drop out
David | Gifthüttli
Responsive Design in IE10 on Windows Phone 8 - HTML5/CSS3 Experiment - Firewoiks: Extensions, resources & tutorials for Fireworks, Dreamweaver & HTML5/CSS3
Windows Phone 8, which for some reason behaves differently to every other mobile OS by interpreting device-width as the actual resolution size (either portrait or landscape depending on how it's oriented), instead of what the manufacturer (or browser vendor) has decided is the optimal viewport width (such as the “standard” 320px in portrait).
Conditionizr: the conditional free legacy, retina, script and style loader
kswedberg/jquery-smooth-scroll · GitHub
Cross browser smoothscrolling
DIY – Replace your Logitech Premium Notebook Headset foam ear pads | davidjb
Apple - Support - Check Your Service and Support Coverage
Responsive & Touch-Friendly Audio Player
SocialCount, a jQuery Plugin for Lighter & Faster Social Networking Widgets
Optimize Web Fonts to Increase Performance • Tips
JSCamp: CSS Next
Is Concrete5 The Right CMS For Your Website?
Public Service Announcement: Careful With Your Nested Border-Radii | CSS-Tricks
When you have and element within another padded element, both with different backgrounds and both with border-radius, make sure the inside element's border-radius is a bit less than the outer element.
Heyoffline.js is a simple tool that prevents your users from this kind of frustration. Written in CoffeeScript and compiled into JavaScript, the library can warn your users when their network goes down so that they don't lose anything. Once JavaScript is loaded, it can react to the loss of connection and change the page accordingly.
Zippopotamus- Zip Code Galore
Zippopotamus is an initiative to crowd-source and aggregate zip code information and make it available to the public. Postal codes not only provide information about a region, they also change a lot, which means keeping track is tough. Zippopotamus wants to help by offering an API which could simplify auto-complete forms and auto-location or city, state or country information look-up.
How to create a simple CSS3 tooltip | Webdesigner Depot
Simple tooltip
SocialCount, a jQuery Plugin for Lighter & Faster Social Networking Widgets
Use Tomorrow's Web Standards Today With CSS '@Supports'
Cross Browser Retina/High Resolution Media Queries