Aaron Allport | Freelance web developer from Colchester, UK.

Quick Tip: How to Target IE6, IE7, and IE8 Uniquely with 4 Characters | Nettuts+
A reminder of IE8/IE7/IE6 hacks
The Pastry Box Project | 3 June 2013, baked by Oli Studholme
An Introduction to CSS3 Transitions - CSS3 . Info
Useful info on CSS Transitions
Profound Grid | A grid system for fixed and fluid layouts
Another take on grids
SVG Gradient Background Maker
The ultimate CSS tools for web designers | CSSmatic
Gradient generator, border radius, noise and box shadow
geuis/helium-css · GitHub
Helium is a tool for discovering unused CSS across many pages on a web site
24 ways: Front-end Style Guides
Links to Style Guides
Typeplate » A typographic starter kit encouraging great type on the Web
A neat typographic starter kit
❍ IcoMoon
Custom built and crisp icon fonts, done right
Oticons · Styleguide
GitHub icons are font icons, using a custom Octicons font face
CSS Ratiocinator - A tool that will automatically refactor your CSS
Optimse your CSS. A new take at an old issue.
Responsive & Touch-Friendly Audio Player
SocialCount, a jQuery Plugin for Lighter & Faster Social Networking Widgets
Optimize Web Fonts to Increase Performance • Tips
JSCamp: CSS Next
Public Service Announcement: Careful With Your Nested Border-Radii | CSS-Tricks
When you have and element within another padded element, both with different backgrounds and both with border-radius, make sure the inside element's border-radius is a bit less than the outer element.
How to create a simple CSS3 tooltip | Webdesigner Depot
Simple tooltip
SocialCount, a jQuery Plugin for Lighter & Faster Social Networking Widgets
Cross Browser Retina/High Resolution Media Queries
Font Custom
Generate your own font icon files
Common WordPress Development Mistakes and How to Fix Them
WordPress Coding Standards
Bourbon Sass Mixins Library
A simple and lightweight mixin library for Sass. Bourbon is a library of sass mixins that are designed to be simple and easy to use. No configuration required.
min-device-pixel-ratio test
What’s your device’s min-device-pixel-ratio?
Images in a responsive web
typespiration.com - treating typography with respect — treating typography with respect
// treating typography with respect
Responsive background images with fixed or fluid aspect ratios – Voormedia
What's the easiest way to scale background images in responsive layouts? We use an old technique and enhance it to fluidly change the aspect ratio of background images.
19 Free Icon Font Sets, Embedding Icons Have Never Been So Easy