

Minimal snippets for modern CSS layouts and components
Bryan -
Bryan -
John Bryan Hicks (1932–2021) was an architect, photographer, railway enthusiast and most importantly my Dad. Bryan is a free, single-weight open type font, a faithful digital recreation of his distinctive handwriting.
Bryan -
A Complete Guide to Custom Properties
A Complete Guide to Custom Properties
Everything important and useful to know about CSS Custom Properties. Like that they are often referred to as “CSS Variables” but that’s not their real name.
A Complete Guide to Custom Properties
TimeMachineEditor is a software for macOS that starts backups in Time Machine at particular times. You can choose an interval or create other types of scheduling.
The Alternative CSS principle  |  Stuff & Nonsense
The Alternative CSS principle  |  Stuff & Nonsense
Let’s face it, unless you develop a complex product—and even if you do—you probably don’t need half the humungous hunk of CSS you bung at a browser. In fact, it’s possible you only need one default and one alternative style for every element.
The Alternative CSS principle  |  Stuff & Nonsense
COVAX Facility
COVAX Facility
Gavi is co-leading COVAX, the vaccines pillar of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator. This involves coordinating the COVAX Facility, a global risk-sharing mechanism for pooled procurement and equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.
COVAX Facility
10 Quiet, Remote & Beautiful Cornish Beaches
10 Quiet, Remote & Beautiful Cornish Beaches
There’s a huge storm blowing in across the South West today and snuggled up in my Exmoor garret I am thinking about the days I have spent climbing down to inaccessible and beautiful Cornish beaches. — Hesp Food & Travel
10 Quiet, Remote & Beautiful Cornish Beaches
Sustainable Web Manifesto
Sustainable Web Manifesto
We all share and use the web, just as we all share and live on this planet. This manifesto is a public declaration of a shared commitment to create a sustainable internet.
Sustainable Web Manifesto
That’s Big SIR to You!
That’s Big SIR to You!
How to enable SuperDuper! to create a bootable backup of your startup drive in macOS 11 Big Sur.
That’s Big SIR to You!
Tailwind CSS
Tailwind CSS
Rapidly build modern websites without ever leaving your HTML. If you can suppress the urge to retch long enough to give it a chance, I really think you'll wonder how you ever worked with CSS any other way.
Tailwind CSS
Locomotive Scroll
Locomotive Scroll
A simple scroll library used by developers at Locomotive. Built as a layer on top of ayamflow's virtual-scroll, it provides smooth scrolling with support for parallax effects, toggling classes, and triggering event listeners when elements are in the viewport.
Locomotive Scroll