David Roessli at Ecole du BelvédèreEvening pétanque — at Ecole du Belvédère·gowalla.com·Aug 12, 2010David Roessli at Ecole du Belvédère
David Roessli at Café EquinoxePhoto: Taking five after the storm — at Café Equinoxe·gowalla.com·Aug 12, 2010David Roessli at Café Equinoxe
Introducing HTML5 - aNobiiI have added "Introducing HTML5" to my aNobii bookshelf·anobii.com·Aug 12, 2010Introducing HTML5 - aNobii
has just received a sweet card and a proposal I hope to honor soon - you made my day, thankxx :) | Flickr - Photo Sharing!has just received a sweet card and a proposal I hope to honor soon - you made my day, thankxx :)·flickr.com·Aug 11, 2010has just received a sweet card and a proposal I hope to honor soon - you made my day, thankxx :) | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
David Roessli at ZRH Zurich AirportLX 2816 back home — at ZRH Zurich Airport·gowalla.com·Aug 10, 2010David Roessli at ZRH Zurich Airport
David Roessli at ZRH Zurich AirportOn track — at ZRH Zurich Airport·gowalla.com·Aug 10, 2010David Roessli at ZRH Zurich Airport
A Practical Guide to Information Architecture - aNobiiI have added "A Practical Guide to Information Architecture" to my aNobii bookshelf·anobii.com·Aug 9, 2010A Practical Guide to Information Architecture - aNobii
David Roessli at Plage De La Nymphe (la Sirene)Cool splash after a long bike ride :) — at Plage De La Nymphe (la Sirene)·gowalla.com·Aug 8, 2010David Roessli at Plage De La Nymphe (la Sirene)
Photos David has takenPhoto: Found a big yellow humming bird — at Slowup 2010·gowalla.com·Aug 8, 2010Photos David has taken
David Roessli at Slowup 2010Having a quick bite — at Slowup 2010·gowalla.com·Aug 8, 2010David Roessli at Slowup 2010
David Roessli at Slowup 2010In the wind — at Slowup 2010·gowalla.com·Aug 8, 2010David Roessli at Slowup 2010
David Roessli at Gelato ManiaStocking up on chocolate ice cream for tonight's fiesta with Solt — at Gelato Mania·gowalla.com·Aug 6, 2010David Roessli at Gelato Mania
Nolobe » Blog » Interarchy 10Interarchy 10.0.1 is out to fix initial bugs! @matthewdrayton you're the best #interarchy #nolobe#nolobe#interarchy·nolobe.com·Aug 6, 2010Nolobe » Blog » Interarchy 10
Le guide du routard sur iPhone :: Routard.comRT @sburlot: RT @reymondin: Demain, toutes les applications iPhone Guide du Routard sont gratuites ! (au lieu de 4. ...·routard.com·Aug 6, 2010Le guide du routard sur iPhone :: Routard.com
AppleJack Project PageAppleJack has been updated. If you use a Mac, install it. A bunch a handy scripts to clean your systrm·applejack.sourceforge.net·Aug 6, 2010AppleJack Project Page
Interarchy - Mac OS X FTP, SFTP and Cloud File Transfer Appw00t! A new version of my all time favourite file transfer application for Mac OS is available: Interarchy 10·nolobe.com·Aug 6, 2010Interarchy - Mac OS X FTP, SFTP and Cloud File Transfer App
National Flags - Flags of all CountriesHandy flag icons#icon#flag#collection#design#clipart·senojflags.com·Aug 5, 2010National Flags - Flags of all Countries
David Roessli at CinelacWhen your son is into breakdance you come to see this kind of film: Step Up 3 — at Cinelac·gowalla.com·Aug 4, 2010David Roessli at Cinelac
David Roessli | Carouge, GenevaPhoto: — at Le Florymass·gowalla.com·Aug 3, 2010David Roessli | Carouge, Geneva
David Roessli at Le FlorymassCatching a bit of sun and sipping an expresso on my new favourite nearby terrasse — at Le Florymass·gowalla.com·Aug 3, 2010David Roessli at Le Florymass
A List Apart: Articles: SVG with a little help from RaphaëlGreat paper by Brian Suda on the Raphaël JavaScript library for rendering dynamic SVG graphics :·alistapart.com·Aug 3, 2010A List Apart: Articles: SVG with a little help from Raphaël
Dancing Pigeons - Ritalin on VimeoRT @veen: This is my new Favorite Thing On The Internet:·vimeo.com·Jul 31, 2010Dancing Pigeons - Ritalin on Vimeo
(404) http://cloudcell.com/r.php?g=10&m=970644&l=0New personal best: 60 (Original) on #FlightControlHD - New Rank: Co-Pilot#FlightControlHD·cloudcell.com·Jul 30, 2010(404) http://cloudcell.com/r.php?g=10&m=970644&l=0
David Roessli at Piscine de CarougeGot it all to ourselves today :) — at Piscine de Carouge·gowalla.com·Jul 29, 2010David Roessli at Piscine de Carouge
David Roessli at Piscine de CarougeGot it all to ourselves today :) — at Piscine de Carouge·gowalla.com·Jul 29, 2010David Roessli at Piscine de Carouge
Swiss do lady-friendly iPhone 4 launch • The RegisterRT @feichtner: Swiss do lady-friendly iPhone 4 launch·theregister.co.uk·Jul 29, 2010Swiss do lady-friendly iPhone 4 launch • The Register
Georges Wod s’est éteint à l’âge de 74 ans | Tribune de GenèveOh. Georges Wod passed away yesterday. He was my dramatic arts teacher in high school. Farewell Georges #tdgch#tdgch·tdg.ch·Jul 29, 2010Georges Wod s’est éteint à l’âge de 74 ans | Tribune de Genève
iPhone 4 in Switzerland: for Apple it's tomorrow. For Swisscom it's… soon #swisscomfail on Flickr - Photo Sharing!iPhone 4 in Switzerland: for Apple it's tomorrow. For Swisscom it's… soon #swisscomfail#swisscomfail·flickr.com·Jul 29, 2010iPhone 4 in Switzerland: for Apple it's tomorrow. For Swisscom it's… soon #swisscomfail on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Redesigning the Boarding Pass - Journal - Boarding Pass / FailRT @veen: Interesting design concepts for airline boarding passes: (via @pud)·passfail.squarespace.com·Jul 28, 2010Redesigning the Boarding Pass - Journal - Boarding Pass / Fail
Apple - iMac - The ultimate all-in-one desktop computer.Yes, at last the iMac comes with an SSD option·apple.com·Jul 28, 2010Apple - iMac - The ultimate all-in-one desktop computer.