Form Validation in Under an Hour with Vuelidate - CSS-Tricks

The web we broke. — Ethan Marcotte
Adactio: Journal—WorldWideWeb
Look Around You - Paul Robert Lloyd
How to Stop Using Browser Dev Tools and Start Using Your Editor’s Debugger — JavaScript January
Dimensions.Guide | Database of Dimensioned Drawings
Cross-Cultural Design and the Role of UX | Toptal
How to view webpage HTML source codes on iPad / iPhone. No app required. - AppleToolBox
The Flexbox Holy Albatross | HeydonWorks
The Inverted Grand Canyon
Using the iPad Pro as my main computer | Hicks Journal
JAMstack | JavaScript, APIs, and Markup
Sur les traces d'une princesse à travers l'Himalaya - Le Temps
Switch Your Devices to Dark Mode to Give Your Eyes a Break | WIRED
K2, le dernier 8000 de l’hiver - Le Temps
DRY Switching with CSS Variables
Brilliant write up by Ana Tudor on CSS_Tricks of the use of CSS custom properties with demos and examples, some of which a little math heavy -- I love
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1
Discover the new WCAG set of guidelines (or 17 success criteria) presented in a comprehensive manner by Alan Dalton.
5 cross-browser testing tools to try today | Creative Bloq
CSS Border-Radius Can Do That?
Apple Park | Flickr
The Problem — Center for Humane Technology
Moi-Peau — Wikipédia
The Next Great (Digital) Extinction | WIRED
What is Firefox Focus? | Firefox Focus Help
Discover which iOS devices are used on your site — iDevice.js
Wooden MacBook Pro and MacBook Stand | Yohann
Links List for Print Styles | Adrian Roselli
Novelle · Le Grand Clos – Vignerons – créateurs à Satigny-Genève