

Jilion - SublimeVideo
Jilion - SublimeVideo
Has just discovered @jilion and their superbe HTML5 video player These guys are cutting edge! :)
Jilion - SublimeVideo
Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft
Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft
the iTunes Store is poorly designed to handle classical music. Reverting to Deutsche Grammophon
Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft
@media 2010
@media 2010
@webdirections Yes! I have successfully registered for Web Directions @media in London this June :)
@media 2010
Roadrunner on Gowalla
Roadrunner on Gowalla
Just bumped in to friend I hadn't seen for the best of 20 yrs! Good to see you Yves :) — at Roadrunner
Roadrunner on Gowalla
La Ruota on Gowalla
La Ruota on Gowalla
Enjoying a working lunch with @mathiascurrat — at La Ruota
La Ruota on Gowalla
MP Apps
MP Apps
making myself look (sort of) younger with HourFace for iPhone. Amazing.
MP Apps
BFM on Gowalla
BFM on Gowalla
Répétition du ballet du Grand Théâtre — at BFM
BFM on Gowalla
BFM on Gowalla
BFM on Gowalla
Répétition du ballet du Grand Théâtre — at BFM
BFM on Gowalla