Upload to flickr from Tweetie 2 | GDZLLAPost your images from Tweetie 2 to Flickr - brilliant.#tweetie#flickr#api#twitter#iphone#service#mobile·gdzl.la·Oct 23, 2009Upload to flickr from Tweetie 2 | GDZLLA
Kindle on Flickr - Photo Sharing!Once upon a time… #kindle#kindle#toread·flickr.com·Oct 23, 2009Kindle on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
roessliâs Music Profile â Users at Last.fmso long since I last listened to The Killers - blends in nicely with the afternoon's vibes#toread·last.fm·Oct 23, 2009roessliâs Music Profile â Users at Last.fm
Photo on Flickr - Photo Sharing!wirh audacity and delactation#toread·flickr.com·Oct 22, 2009Photo on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Adobe Labs - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3@lepetitnicolas @canaillou have you tried Lr 3 beta yet?#toread·labs.adobe.com·Oct 22, 2009Adobe Labs - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3
Normal is boring. - Indexed“Normal is boring” - insightful.#toread·thisisindexed.com·Oct 22, 2009Normal is boring. - Indexed
Photo on Flickr - Photo Sharing!Royal breakfast after a royal lay in#toread·flickr.com·Oct 20, 2009Photo on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
46.0342,7.1361 - Google MapsBread and chocolate at Chez les Reuses in Pascal's chalet#toread·maps.google.com·Oct 19, 200946.0342,7.1361 - Google Maps
Photo on Flickr - Photo Sharing!Late pancake breakfast in the sun#toread·flickr.com·Oct 19, 2009Photo on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Photo on Flickr - Photo Sharing!Waking up to a white sprinkled world and a caffè latte (thanks JP)#toread·flickr.com·Oct 18, 2009Photo on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Twitpic - Share photos on Twittertranscending in a @Malarkey fashion today..#toread·twitpic.com·Oct 17, 2009Twitpic - Share photos on Twitter
Join Us to #BeatCancer with Social Mediais making his 1st tweet of the day a useful one #beatcancer#beatcancer#toread·beatcancereverywhere.com·Oct 17, 2009Join Us to #BeatCancer with Social Media
Video on the Web - Dive Into HTML5A comprehensive guide on how to embed video written by Mark Pilgrim#html5#webdesign#howto#article#video#browser#codec·diveintohtml5.org·Oct 17, 2009Video on the Web - Dive Into HTML5
ALTâ¢Zero | Une communauté de développeurs et de designers web à Genèveon my way with @gorund to this month's @alt_zero meetup :)#toread·alt-zero.com·Oct 15, 2009ALTâ¢Zero | Une communauté de développeurs et de designers web à Genève
High Performance Web Sites :: @font-face and performanceHow does @font-face impact performance#font#typography#browser#javascript#bestpractices#webdesign#coding#optimization#@font-face·stevesouders.com·Oct 15, 2009High Performance Web Sites :: @font-face and performance
Connecting to the iTunes Store.has just pre-ordered “The Fall” (iTS) - I love it when new downloads just pop up in iTunes at breakfast#toread·ax.itunes.apple.com·Oct 14, 2009Connecting to the iTunes Store.
(404) http://www.w3.org/).The W3C has launched its new web site ( Browser window width triggers different layouts - mobile aware - nifty.#toread·w3.org·Oct 14, 2009(404) http://www.w3.org/).
JeditableEdit In Place Plugin For jQuery#javascript#jquery#editor#webdesign#design#webdev#plugin#library#development#code·appelsiini.net·Oct 14, 2009Jeditable
Do websites need to be experienced exactly the same in every browser?Greetings modern browsers by @simplebits#toread·dowebsitesneedtobeexperiencedexactlythesameineverybrowser.com·Oct 14, 2009Do websites need to be experienced exactly the same in every browser?
has just received his copy of "Heureusement qu'il reste les goélands" Thanks Viv! on Flickr - Photo Sharing!has just received his copy of "Heureusement qu'il reste les goélands" Thanks Viv!#toread·flickr.com·Oct 14, 2009has just received his copy of "Heureusement qu'il reste les goélands" Thanks Viv! on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Deutsch-Französisch Wörterbucj#reference#tools#web#french#translation#language#german#wörterbuch#deutsch#lexikon·leo.org·Oct 12, 2009Deutsch-Französisch Wörterbucj
iCanSee Application Converts iPhone Into Magnifying Glassthinks the iCanSee iPhone app looks awesome. It magnifies objects up to 4x - (via @pixeldiva) #fun#fun#toread·intomobile.com·Oct 12, 2009iCanSee Application Converts iPhone Into Magnifying Glass
Rouge écarlateCheck out “Heureusement qu'il reste les goélands” by Vivienne Baillie Well done Viv! :)#toread·rougeecarlate.blogspot.com·Oct 12, 2009Rouge écarlate
Rouge écarlateCheck out “Heureusement qu'il reste les goélands” by Vivienne Baillie Well done Viv! :)#toread·rouge-ecarlate.ch·Oct 12, 2009Rouge écarlate
FindMyByIPWhat's my IP address and how modern is my browser#ip#detection#css#javascript#browser·findmebyip.com·Oct 10, 2009FindMyByIP
FindMyByIP - what's my IP address and how modern is my browserpresents your browsers' support for advanced features in an easy to read format using Modernizr and CSS#toread·findmebyip.com·Oct 10, 2009FindMyByIP - what's my IP address and how modern is my browser
46.1876,6.1773 - Google MapsBack to where I wad born..#toread·maps.google.com·Oct 9, 200946.1876,6.1773 - Google Maps
Safari Tidy pluginis happy to discover that the latest version of Safari Tidy plugin works in 64bits :) - I missed you.#toread·zappatic.net·Oct 9, 2009Safari Tidy plugin
http://www.geneveopera.ch/index.php?id=3&prod=408&saison=09-10on our way to to fall under Cinderella's spell later this eve. Wonder what I'll turn into at midnight ;)#toread·geneveopera.ch·Oct 8, 2009http://www.geneveopera.ch/index.php?id=3&prod=408&saison=09-10
IMG_2882.JPG on Flickr - Photo Sharing!IMG_2882.JPG#toread·flickr.com·Oct 7, 2009IMG_2882.JPG on Flickr - Photo Sharing!