Twitpic - Share photos on TwitterGosh, was it that loooong I hadn't loaded this XP image? 15 security updates queuing up… :/#toread··Oct 6, 2009Twitpic - Share photos on Twitter
Swiss french speak French | David Roessli's Empty Settired of web sites guessing what your language is based on your IP. Defaulting to German for CH is SHORTSIGHTED #FTL#FTL#toread··Oct 5, 2009Swiss french speak French | David Roessli's Empty Set
URL shortner needed (Manoeuvre 2/3 Transmission) on Flickr - Photo Sharing!URL shortner needed (Manoeuvre 2/3 Transmission)#toread··Oct 4, 2009URL shortner needed (Manoeuvre 2/3 Transmission) on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
URL shortner needed (Manoeuvre 2/3 Transmission) on Flickr - Photo Sharing!URL shortner needed (Manoeuvre 2/3 Transmission)#toread··Oct 4, 2009URL shortner needed (Manoeuvre 2/3 Transmission) on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Twitpic - Share photos on TwitterTime for serious business. No pit stop allowed. Sreeeeeetch..#toread··Oct 3, 2009Twitpic - Share photos on Twitter
Twitpic - Share photos on Twitterdid you know Quick Look had a X-Ray {candy} mode?#toread··Oct 3, 2009Twitpic - Share photos on Twitter
(404) SmartSleep on my Hackintosh (Dell Mini 9 w/10.5.8) fixed its sleep problem FTW :)#toread··Sep 30, 2009(404)
Connecting to the iTunes Store.loves the Dropbox iPhone app#toread··Sep 30, 2009Connecting to the iTunes Store.
Why Corporations Don’t Upgrade IE6 and How Chrome Frame Could HelpGoogle's cleaver solution to IE's legacy#webdesign#browser#google#ie#web#chrome··Sep 29, 2009Why Corporations Don’t Upgrade IE6 and How Chrome Frame Could Help
CameraBag DesktopOne of my favourite iPhone apps comes to the Desktop#mac#software#image#photo#effects#filter#photography··Sep 26, 2009CameraBag Desktop
Twitpic - Share photos on Twitterhaving breakfast in the Bistro of l'Hotel du Vin with a tinge of the "morning of the day after" syndrome#toread··Sep 26, 2009Twitpic - Share photos on Twitter
Twitpic - Share photos on TwitterThe wifi is working okay, but the speeds are weird: upload bandwidth is 10x the download's :/ #fabw#fabw#toread··Sep 25, 2009Twitpic - Share photos on Twitter
Twitpic - Share photos on TwitterTea and bacon sandwiches with friends before Andy's talk. All's perfect, will be a great day.#toread··Sep 25, 2009Twitpic - Share photos on Twitter
OS X | mechdrewGeneral installation guide for all netbooks that meet the minimum requiresment and repository of NetBookMaker and NetBookInstaller#hack#hackintosh#dellmini#efi#netbookmaker#howto#reference#software#netbook··Sep 21, 2009OS X | mechdrew
The 7 signs your UI was created by a programmerFun#fun#ui#programming#design#blog#article··Sep 21, 2009The 7 signs your UI was created by a programmer
Harkouss tatoo(ed) on Flickr - Photo Sharing!Harkouss tatoo(ed)#toread··Sep 20, 2009Harkouss tatoo(ed) on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Harkouss tatoo(ed) on Flickr - Photo Sharing!Harkouss tatoo(ed)#toread··Sep 20, 2009Harkouss tatoo(ed) on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
MUSE - HALLE TONY GARNIER - Concerts - LYON - Pop-rock - Achat de places, billets, tickets, réservations - FNACScoop: Muse live in concert at Lyon on Nov 22nd. Tickets avail on the FNAC site at 09:00 CET#toread··Sep 18, 2009MUSE - HALLE TONY GARNIER - Concerts - LYON - Pop-rock - Achat de places, billets, tickets, réservations - FNAC
has just received his box of apples⦠on Flickr - Photo Sharing!has received his box of apples…#toread··Sep 17, 2009has just received his box of apples⦠on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Bulletproof @font-face syntaxPaul Irish's take on bullet proofing your @font-face definitions as IE needs an .eot font and the others browsers require .ttf or .otf#ttf#webdesign#css#otf#eot#typography#@font-face#css3··Sep 16, 2009Bulletproof @font-face syntax
Twitpic - Share photos on TwitterOut in a chillly pink and goldy dawm. Back in jeans. Boo#toread··Sep 15, 2009Twitpic - Share photos on Twitter
Last dive on Flickr - Photo Sharing!Last dive#toread··Sep 13, 2009Last dive on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Slashdot Politics Story | Alan Turing Gets an Apology From Prime Minister BrownAlan Turing gets an official apology from the UK government, finally! (via @lynxman)#toread··Sep 11, 2009Slashdot Politics Story | Alan Turing Gets an Apology From Prime Minister Brown
Untitled ( has got to be the track of the day ;) #9#toread··Sep 9, 2009Untitled (
46.1852,6.1505 - Google Mapsis enjoying it while it lasts… end of season on Sunday :(#toread··Sep 8, 200946.1852,6.1505 - Google Maps
Startup Mode SelectorBoot Mac OS 10.6 Kernel in 64bits#64bit#kernel#10.6#snowleopard#tool#utility··Sep 8, 2009Startup Mode Selector
Connecting to the iTunes Store.swinging on “Never Wanna Be” by the Raveners (iTS' single of the week)#toread··Sep 7, 2009Connecting to the iTunes Store.
XHTML & CSS LightboxLook mom, no Javascript#css#xhtml#javascript#lightbox#webdesign··Sep 4, 2009XHTML & CSS Lightbox
Downloads - growl - Project Hosting on Google Code@jackspencer here you go ;)#toread··Sep 3, 2009Downloads - growl - Project Hosting on Google Code