Web Platform Installer: Trying to make it easier to setup for web developmentJust in case: install all (yes, I mean ALL) necessary software for ASP.NET development·hanselman.com·Dec 19, 2008Web Platform Installer: Trying to make it easier to setup for web development
Apple - Business - ResourcesLoads of documentation in PDF format·apple.com·Dec 18, 2008Apple - Business - Resources
Amazon S3 Stream WrapperAn example of a PHP stream wrapper·phpclasses.org·Dec 15, 2008Amazon S3 Stream Wrapper
Genuine Fractals 6Enlarge an image to any size or resolution you desire - plugin for Photoshop, Lightroom or Aperture·ononesoftware.com·Dec 14, 2008Genuine Fractals 6
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MailChimp Signup FormMailChimp MT plugin for mailinglist management·plugins.movabletype.org·Dec 9, 2008MailChimp Signup Form
20 signs you don’t want that web design projectHey, how many have you lived through?·zeldman.com·Dec 4, 200820 signs you don’t want that web design project
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Google App EngineGoogle App Engine enables developers to build web applications on the same scalable systems that power our own applications.·google.com·Nov 26, 2008Google App Engine
Mac OS X: How to change user short name or home directory nameStep by step·support.apple.com·Nov 26, 2008Mac OS X: How to change user short name or home directory name
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oblong industries, inc.Oblong Industries is the developer of the g-speak spatial operating environment. Remember Minority Report's UI?·oblong.com·Nov 21, 2008oblong industries, inc.
Amazon CloudFrontAmazon CloudFront is a web service for content delivery. It integrates with other Amazon Web Services to give developers and businesses an easy way to distribute content to end users with low latency, high data transfer speeds, and no commitments.·aws.amazon.com·Nov 19, 2008Amazon CloudFront
Undesigned: Amazon S3 PHP ClassThis class is a standalone Amazon S3 REST implementation for PHP 5.2.x (using CURL), that supports large file uploads and doesn't require PEAR·undesigned.org.za·Nov 18, 2008Undesigned: Amazon S3 PHP Class
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Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web SiteJust in case you forgot·developer.yahoo.com·Nov 8, 2008Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site
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Quick HOWTO : The Apache Web ServerJust plain handy tip to have all in one place·linuxhomenetworking.com·Nov 8, 2008Quick HOWTO : The Apache Web Server
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