

List of User-Agents
List of User-Agents
Exhaustive list of user-agent strings
List of User-Agents
Typechart - Browse Web Type, Grab CSS.
Typechart - Browse Web Type, Grab CSS.
Typechart lets you flip through, preview and compare web typography while retrieving the CSS
Typechart - Browse Web Type, Grab CSS.
Pilobolus perform "Symbiosis"
Pilobolus perform "Symbiosis"
Two Pilobolus dancers perform "Symbiosis." Does it trace the birth of a relationship? Or the co-evolution of symbiotic species? This collaborative dance company is acclaimed for its mix of humor, invention, and drama | Video on
Pilobolus perform "Symbiosis"
She doodles a lot. I love it.
The Tshirt and Tee Search Engine
Le weblog du Groupe Sida Genève
CSS constants with SSI
CSS constants with SSI
A smart way to implement constants for your stylesheet
CSS constants with SSI
For A Beautiful Web
For A Beautiful Web
Creative web site design and development training and workshops. Check out Andy's new Master Classes . Tempting…
For A Beautiful Web
London from above, at night
London from above, at night
These photos of Jason Hawkes are amazing. Thanks for sharing.
London from above, at night
Face your Manga!
Face your Manga!
Shake yourself! Create your own Manga avatar :)
Face your Manga!
hcard cheatsheet
hcard cheatsheet
Thought I'd bookmarked this one long ago…
hcard cheatsheet
iPhone events
iPhone events
Peter-Paul Koch explores the way touch events map to web-standard “mouse” events in MobileSafari.
iPhone events
Golf Urbain
Golf Urbain
Sounds fun…
Golf Urbain
iPhone GUI PSD
iPhone GUI PSD
Free library of iPhone UI elements
iPhone GUI PSD
Flickr Hive Mind
Flickr Hive Mind
A Flickr data mining tool - search tool. Found the link in my referrers. "Flickr Hive Mind is a data mining tool for the Flickr photography database, allowing search by: metadata tags; Flickr photography groups; Flickr users and their contacts and favorites; text annotation; the Flickr Explore algorithm for interestingness. Flickr Hive Mind can also be an effective tool to identify stock photography with licenses that allow non-commercial (and sometimes) commercial use. Finally, Flickr Hive Mind supports authentication to Flickr, allowing visibility of your private and friends' photos as well as enabling your content filtering preferences."
Flickr Hive Mind
Version Control with a Human Face - offers free 20Mb plan for testing
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