

I really need to get my teeth into this. Great for automating tasks via SSH on remote servers, like software installation, application deployment, configuration management, ad hoc server monitoring, and more.
Apostrophe Atrophy
Apostrophe Atrophy
Un catalogue d'exemples de mauvaise typo (aposthrophe).
Apostrophe Atrophy
Professional email services
Email Protection Services - Spam and Virus Filtering Services
le Dictionnaire inverse
le Dictionnaire inverse
Toujours pratique pour trouver des noms de domaines..
le Dictionnaire inverse
Google Sites
Google Sites
Google Sites integrate all the existing Google Apps into a manageable website. Need to dig more.
Google Sites
The Kaywa Reader
The Kaywa Reader
Too cool - if you have a supported phone, give it a try
The Kaywa Reader
Don Parquiere
Don Parquiere
Warm memories under a starlit sky
Don Parquiere
SXSW Showcasing Music Torrents
SXSW Showcasing Music Torrents
Comme chaque année, le festival South by SouthWest propose de télécharger gratuitement de la musique. Cette année, ils proposent pas moins de 3,5 Go de musique via BitTorent
SXSW Showcasing Music Torrents
We bring visual artists and publishers together. Say you're a business that needs photos for your website, or a magazine that needs an illustration, or just someone who wants to hold a contest … Pixish is a way to engage creative people online to submit
A real MUST for anybody serious in screencasting. It takes you really a step forward. The UI is clear and pleasant, and it's amazing what you can achieve with this piece of software
Delayed ACK Startup Item for Intel Macs
Delayed ACK Startup Item for Intel Macs
An interesting fix that makes a difference. Be sure to read Nubo's comment on the startup option
Delayed ACK Startup Item for Intel Macs
FancyZoom 1.0
FancyZoom 1.0
Smooth Javascript Image Zooming For Your Web Pages. Nice and polished like all Panic products :) Free for non-commercial websites, USD 39 per site otherwise
FancyZoom 1.0
On the luck of seven
On the luck of seven
Noel Hidalgo's open-source journey around the world documenting free culture, social innovators & global change.
On the luck of seven
Social Graph API - Google Code
Social Graph API - Google Code
"With the Social Graph API, developers can utilize public connections their users have already created in other web services. It makes information about public connections between people easily available and useful."
Social Graph API - Google Code
Google Custom Search Engine doc
Google Custom Search Engine doc
Google WebSearch Protocol Reference for Custom Search Business Edition
Google Custom Search Engine doc
Tweet Scan
Tweet Scan
Real-time Twitter search; very well done. Twitter should offer this…
Tweet Scan
Earth Hour 2008
Earth Hour 2008
See the difference you can make: created to take a stand against the greatest threat our planet has ever faced, Earth Hour uses the simple action of turning off the lights for one hour to deliver a powerful message about the need for action on global warm
Earth Hour 2008
Configuring IP Failover
Configuring IP Failover
Good doc to figure out how to setup 2 servers
Configuring IP Failover